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Know Your Rights (EN, TR)

By nikolasmichael96

Guide to Activism in the northern part of Cyprus to support yourself and each other 

1st edition: 13 – 04 – 2023

[Türkçe açıklama devamında yer almaktadır]

Avli, with support of a legal expert, Aslı Murat, conducted preliminary research for those in organising roles in activities, events, protests and activism in general, and for anyone wanting to know more about their rights.

Why? Simply because we want to enable peaceful and non-violent activism to take place in the northern part of Cyprus, by knowing rights to assembly and speech, and being in a position to protect everyone who is taking part of it. 

As the tendency to limit and violate fundamental freedoms is gaining more force, specifically in the northern part of Cyprus. The types of problems that have been increasingly experienced/faced include legal texts and interventions against freedom of speech, policing in various civil society activities negatively affecting freedoms of assembly and association, limitations and violation of data protection, etc.

In the recent past, there have been instances that the authoritarian interventions of “the police” have negatively affected our activities and actions including but not limited to demands for personal data during environmental peacebuilding summer camps. Based on these previous experiences, it was crucial to respond if we want to carry on our existing and future actions that take place in the northern part of Cyprus. Thus, we wanted to Know Our Rights in cases of assembly, public speech, and non-violent direct action by drafting a Guide to Activism for the northern part of Cyprus. The guide can be used by any activist and civil society group on the ground, who fights for a peaceful and sustainable island.

Avli and Aslı Murat presents two important documents:

The brief ‘Guide to Activism in the northern part of Cyprus’ 

This guide aims to help us understand the general aspects of the criminal law system in the northern part of Cyprus during the investigation phase, and the powers and duties of the police in peaceful assemblies and protests in particular. With the “freedom of thought, speech and expression”, the Constitution regulates that everyone has the freedom of thought and the right to express and disseminate their ideas individually or collectively, without censorship, through speech, writing, pictures. It also enumerates the grounds on which the right may be legally restricted. On the other hand, the right to assembly and demonstration also regulates that citizens can take peaceful actions without obtaining prior permission from any authority . Even though the police tried to prevent meetings and demonstrations involving foreigners from time to time , there was generally no intervention to halt the activity.

The Bust card ‘Know your rights on peaceful protest and other relevant events in the northern part of Cyprus’

The Bust Card is a pocket-sized cardboard slip produced by legal supporters which includes phone numbers for a friendly solicitor and legal support, as well as other information useful in situations where there is a risk of arrest.


Avli, hukuk uzmanı Aslı Murat’ın da desteğiyle, aktivitelerde, etkinliklerde ve protestolarda organizator rolü olan aktivistler veya toplanma ve ifade özgürlükleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteyenler için ön araştırma yaptı.

Neden? Basitçe, toplanma ve ifade haklarını bilerek kendi ve etrafındakilerin haklarını koruyabilecek bir konumda olup Kıbrıs’ın kuzey kesiminde barışçıl ve şiddet içermeyen aktivizmin gerçekleşmesini sağlamak istediğimiz için!

Temel özgürlükleri sınırlama ve ihlal etme eğilimi, özellikle Kıbrıs’ın kuzey kesiminde daha fazla güç kazanıyor. İfade özgürlüğüne yönelik yasal metinler ve müdahaleler, polisin çeşitli sivil toplum faaliyetlerinde toplanma ve örgütlenme özgürlüklerini olumsuz etkilemesi, veri korumasının sınırlandırılması ve ihlali vb. giderek artan bir şekilde yaşanan/karşılaşılan sorun türleri olmuştur. Yakın geçmişte “polis”in otoriter müdahalelerinin, çevresel barış inşası yaz kampları sırasında kişisel veri talepleri dahil olmak üzere faaliyetlerimizi ve eylemlerimizi olumsuz etkilediği durumlar olmuştur.

Geçmiş deneyimlere dayanarak, Kıbrıs’ın kuzey kesiminde yer alan mevcut ve gelecekteki eylemlerimizi sürdürmek istiyorsak olup bitenlere bir karşılık vermek çok önemliydi. Bu nedenle, hem kendi faaliyetlerimizde ve hem de genel olarak barışçıl ve sürdürülebilir bir ada isteyen aktivistler ve sivil toplum tarafından kullanılabilecek bir rehber oluşturmak amacıyla Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde bir Aktivizm Rehberi taslağı hazırlayarak toplanma hakkı ve ifade özgürlüklerini koruma ve savunmanın yasallığı konusundaki Haklarımızı Bilmek istedik.

Avli ve Aslı Murat iki belge sunar:

Kısaca ‘Kıbrıs’ın kuzey kesiminde Aktivizm Rehberi’ 

Bu kılavuz, genel olarak Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyindeki ceza hukuku sisteminin soruşturma aşamasındaki genel hatlarını, özelde ise barışçıl toplantı ve protestolarda polisin yetki ve görevlerini kavramamıza yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir. Anayasa “düşünce, söz ve anlatım özgürlüğü” ile, herkesin düşünce özgürlüğüne sahip olduğunu ve fikirlerini, sansürsüz bir şekilde söz, yazı, resim aracılığıyla tek başına veya toplu olarak açıklama ve yayma hakkını düzenler. Ayrıca hakkın yasal olarak sınırlanabileceği gerekçeleri de sayar. Diğer yandan toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşü hakkı da, yurttaşlara önceden herhangi bir makamdan izin almaksızın barışçıl eylem yapabileceklerini düzenler. Zaman zaman yabancıların dâhil olduğu toplantı ve eylemleri polis engellemeye çalışmış olsa bile, genellikle etkinliği durdurucu bir müdahale ile karşılaşılmamıştır.

‘Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyindeki barışçıl protesto ve diğer ilgili olaylarda haklarınızı bilin’ bustcard

Bustcard, yasal destekçiler tarafından üretilen, yasal destek için ulaşılabilecek cana yakın avukat ve telefon numaralarının yanı sıra tutuklanma riskinin olduğu durumlarda yararlı olabilecek diğer bilgileri içeren cep boyutunda bir karton sliptir.


Credits: Aslı Murat, legal expert  

Author/Συντάκτης/Yazar: Josef Boraei 

Çevirmenler/Μεταφραστές/Translators: Kemal Çufoğlu, Vijdan Şengör

Συντάκτες/Editors/Editörler: Vijdan Şengör, Myrto Skouroupathi

The post Know Your Rights (EN, TR) first appeared on AVLI.

One Sea, One Struggle: Avli Statement on the Baniyas Oil Spill

By nikolasmichael96

As we write this, potentially thousands of tons of oil are on their way to blanket the east coast of Cyprus, with some of it already reaching Dipkarpaz/Rizokarpaso, irreversibly damaging the sensitive marine and coastal ecosystems of that region. While we are monitoring the situation as it develops, several facts are clear.

First, the spill originated at Baniyas Thermal Station, a power station in Syria that, like in Cyprus and much of the Middle East, uses oil to generate power. As details emerge, it is clear that the plant has been neglected after years of conflict/civil war in Syria. 

Unfortunately, countries in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, including Cyprus, have been prioritising conflict and the pursuit of profit at the expense of health, safety, and the environment. The fact that no country in the aforementioned region has embraced the revolutionary potential of renewables, and instead all continue burning fuel, is a testament to the vice grip that fossil fuel led economic and political interests have on countries all across this region. 

Second, the administrations in the north and the south of Cyprus are once again hamstrung by the political situation on our island. While we commend the efforts to “inform” one another about developments, the COVID pandemic has demonstrated  a huge lack of a coherent plan for cooperation between the two sides in the face of various crises. This became obvious over the past years with the deadly wildfires which have left behind burned land and destroyed ecosystems.   Whilst Cypriot authorities have been aware of the oil spill since 26 August, plans to take action only emerged on 31 August. Even though the Republic of Cyprus has an oil spill response vessel (Alexandria) as well as other technical equipment and expertise to handle the crisis, the Turkish Cypriot administration has chosen to ask for help from Turkey. Every person in Cyprus, directly or indirectly, is dependent on our island’s sensitive ecosystems. We deserve a response that prioritises our island first, and sets political agendas aside.

Third, the extraction of and reliance on fossil fuels in the Eastern Mediterranean means that disasters like this are just waiting to happen. Even as we see oil cover our eastern sea, political elites in this country are unified behind the senseless strategy, supporting offshore drilling in those same waters. There is no such thing as a “natural” disaster anymore. Every wildfire, every drought, every square kilometer of nature destroyed, is a result of political decisions or inaction and our politicians have all been complicit in this regard. Even  the “green” or the more “socialist” political parties have done nothing to advance environmentalism or socialism, but rather embraced the hydrocarbon projects, contributing to the commodification of our common sea. 

Fourth, the rampant conflict and instability in our region is a recipe for climate disaster. As we have seen just this year with the worst wildfires on record, and recently when we had the worst drought in 900 years, we are going to need a coordinated and region-wide response to the climate crisis. The fact that we cannot even coordinate a response to an oil spill, a disaster which struck the same region before, means that we need to make a drastic change. This means putting aside the politics of mutually assured destruction and embracing a policy for the future, one that prioritises health and safety over the pursuit of power and profits. 

We demand that the administrations on both sides of the divide rise up to the occasion and immediately coordinate a response to the Baniyas Oil Spill. 

At the same time, we demand for a public commitment for the protection of our common natural heritage, with specific emergency response plans for different types of disasters (wildfires, oil spills etc), as well as a joint declaration cancelling hydrocarbon exploration projects combined with a commitment for an island wide decarbonization strategy.  

The post One Sea, One Struggle: Avli Statement on the Baniyas Oil Spill first appeared on AVLI.

Exposing Police Brutality and Misconduct: First-Hand Accounts from ΩΣ ΔΑΜΕ Protests

By nikolasmichael96




This page will be continuously updated with first-hand accounts of the police terror at the ΩΣ ΔΑΜΕ anti-corruption protest on 13.2.2021. If you would like to submit an account of your experience during the events of 13.2.2021 and would like to report it, please email us at


Τι γίνεται γύρω σου; Μια κυβέρνηση αυταρχική και διεφθαρμένη στέλνει εκατοντάδες αστυνομικούς με πλήρη εξοπλισμό να καταστείλουν μια ειρηνική πορεία. Εσύ ανοίγεις το πανό σου με τον ήλιο, τη θάλασσα και τα δάση αυτού του τόπου που τόσο αγαπάς και θέλεις να προστατέψεις. Βλέπεις να σε περικυκλώνουν καθώς προσπαθείς να ξεκινήσεις την πορεία. Βλέπεις το κανόνι του νερού να πλησιάζει, τους αστυνομικούς να βάζουν το χέρι στα γκλοπ, αλλά σκέφτεσαι ότι είναι απλά σε περίπτωση που ξεσπάσει βία από πλευράς σου. Ξεκινάς να περπατάς τραγουδώντας με εκατοντάδες άλλους και ξαφνικά ακούς φωνές. “Τρέξτε, πίσω!” Τρομαγμένα πρόσωπα, χάος, τα γκλοπ στον αέρα, τα σώματα στη γη. Τρέχεις κι εσύ πίσω, ψάχνεις απεγνωσμένα να βρεις τους φίλους σου. Δυσκολεύεσαι να αναπνεύσεις, ο λαιμός σου φλέγεται. “Έριξαν δακρυγόνα” ακούς. Έτσι εξηγείται. Οι αστυνομικοί σέρνουν κάποιους προς την κλούβα, σκέφτεσαι καλύτερα να πάω προς τα πίσω. Περιμένεις να δεις τι γίνεται και ξαφνικά η αστυνομία επιτίθεται χωρίς αιτία. Γιατί έτσι, γιατί μπορούν. Το κανόνι νερού σπάζει το πλήθος αλλά οι φωνές μένουν δυνατές: “Δεν θα περάσει ο φασισμός”. Φεύγεις, χωρίς να μπορείς να πιστέψεις ακόμη τι έζησες και έρχεται στο μυαλό σου η εικόνα του προέδρου στο διάγγελμα να λέει: “Μένουμε σπίτι. Θα τα καταφέρουμε.” Αν τους αφήσουμε, θα τα καταφέρουν.

Εμπειρίες από μέλος της Αυλής σήμερα στην διαδήλωση στην Λευκωσία

Στην Κύπρο τους τελευταίους 3 μήνες απαγορεύεται να διαδηλώσεις. Συλλήφθηκα γιατί έλαβα μέρος στην «παράνομη» ειρηνική πορεία η οποία αντιμετωπίστηκε με «νόμιμη» βία. Αφού οι διοργανωτές ανακοίνωσαν το τέλος της πορείας, μοίραζα αυτήν την πληροφορία με όσους δεν την είχαν ακούσει. Ξαφνικά, χωρίς να καταλάβω ούτε το πώς, ούτε το γιατί βλέπω δύο αστυνομικούς να τρέχουν καταπάνω μου. Με συλλαμβάνουν. Όταν επανειλημμένα ζητούσα τον λόγο σύλληψης μου εν έπιανα απάντηση, μέχρι που έπια ένα «εννα μάθεις μετά»Δεν αντιστάθηκα σωματικά. Τελικά κατηγορήθηκα για:

1. Παραβίαση του νόμου λοιμοκάθαρσης, ενώ στην μεταφορά μου από το τμήμα Αστυνομίας στο ΤΑΕ, έβαλαν 9 συλληφθέντες σε ένα κλουβο-βαν. Άσε που ο υπαστυνόμος που μας παρέλαβε στο ΤΑΕ δεν έβαλε την μάσκα του ούτε για ένα δευτερόλεπτο, παρόλο που ήμασταν σε ένα δωμάτιο γύρω στα 20 άτομα, αστυνομικοί και συλληφθέντες. Όταν του ζητήθηκε να την φορέσει, αρνήθηκε ειρωνικά.

2. Ανυπακοή στην προκήρυξη του αστυνομικού «εσσιετε 15 λεπτά να το διαλύσετε αλλιως θα σας διαλύσουμε» ενώ του Συλλούρη εδωκαν του 15 μερες για να γίνει το ένταλμα τζαι επήραν του τζαι προστασία.

3. Αντίσταση τζαι σπρώξιμο προς τον αστυνομικό, ευτυχώς καταγράφηκε υλικό που το διαψεύδει.

Τέλος, θέλω να εκφράσω αλληλεγγύη στους τραυματίες τζαι να ευχαριστήσω ούλλες τες ψυσσιές που με στηρίξαν την ώρα της σύλληψης, την νομική υποστήριξη στο τμήμα, τζαι όσους εξέφρασαν υποστήριξη έστω τζαι αν δεν ήταν τζιαμέ.Αναστασία, σου εύχομαι να αναρρώσεις γρήγορα τζαι σου υπόσχομαι πως ο χορός τωρά ξεκινά! Δείτε το βίντεο! Ζητώ από τον κόσμο να παραμείνει σε εγρήγορση για την επόμενη διαμαρτυρία. Το ότι υπάρχει πανδημία εν σημαίνει ότι εν θα ασκούμε κριτική στην κυβέρνηση! Κάθε τρεις μέρες φκαίνει στην φόρα τζ’άλλο σκάνδαλο, γιατί να έχουμε το στόμα μας κλειστό? Φορούμε μάσκες, κρατούμε αποστάσεις, τζαι διεκδικούμε τα αυτονόητα!

Lambros Asvestas


In Cyprus for the last 3 months there has been a ban on demonstrations. I was arrested for participating in an “illegal” peaceful demonstration which was faced with “legal” violence. As organisers had announced the end of the demonstration, I spread this information with those that had not heard it. Suddenly, without having realized how or why, I see two policemen coming right at me. When I repeatedly asked for the reason for my arrest, I received no answer, until they eventually said “You’ll find out later.” I did not resist physically. Finally, I am charged with:

1. Violating covid measures meanwhile the police saw no flaw in transporting 9 of the detained protestors in a cage-like van. Not to mention that the police officer/lieutenant who received us at the CID (Central Intelligence Division) did not even for a second wear his mask, despite being indoors with 20 people. When he was asked to wear his mask, he refused and laughed.

2. Defying the police announcement that we had “15 minutes left to disperse or else we will use any means to destroy the protest”, whereas for the corrupted Syllouris it took 15 days for the warrant to get ready.

3. Resistance, “pushing” the police officer at the time of the arrest. Luckily my arrest was recorded and disproves this.

Lastly, I want to express solidarity to the injured protesters, and I want to thank all the souls that supported me at the time of the arrest, for the legal advice at the police station, and everyone who expressed their support even though they were not present at the protest. Anastasia I wish you a quick recovery and I promise you that the dance has only begun now! Check the video on this link. I ask from the people to stay alert for the next demonstration. The fact that there is a pandemic right now does not mean we cannot criticize the government. Every three days another scandal is exposed, why should we stay quiet? Wearing masks, keeping distance, let’s protest for our self-evident rights!

Lambros Asvestas
The post Exposing Police Brutality and Misconduct: First-Hand Accounts from ΩΣ ΔΑΜΕ Protests first appeared on AVLI.

The Two Halves of the Cypriot Climate Crisis (TR, EL, EN)

By nikolasmichael96

Türkçe: Kıbrıs İklim Krizinin iki yarısı

Ελληνικά: Τα δύο μισά της Κυπριακής Κλιματικής Κρίσης

Picture of summer camp on intersectionality participants

Pınar Barlas

In August, I ventured across the Green Line separating Cyprus into two for the first time since the start of the pandemic lockdown in March. During the next two and a half days, I was immersed in sessions blending climate justice activism and intersectionality.

I should admit that I felt a bit out of place, at first. It seemed to me – and it may have been the truth – that I was the only one there who was very new to climate justice activism. The camp was meant to teach current environmental activists about how other justice causes (like those based on gender, race, disability, and others) can tell us about who gets affected most by the climate and how. However, for me, the camp was an invaluable introduction to a cause that has immense impact on Cyprus but isn’t even getting half the attention we need to give it.

Of course I’d heard of the movement to keep the environment clean, to reduce plastic use, to minimize wasting resources like electricity. Those were the basics, and you’d have to try pretty hard to ignore them. What had kept me from diving deeper into climate justice, though, was how “far” it all seemed. 

The clear effects of climate change on Cyprus seemed like a product of bad management by the government (which they partially are), combined with the inevitable conditions of living on an island. 

Really high temperatures? Well, Cyprus always seems to be too hot. 

Flash flooding from sudden, intense rain? Well, the government hasn’t built the infrastructure to deal with it. 

Increased wildfires? Well… maybe it’s arson, or a delayed reaction from the unprepared local community. 

No one seems to connect the increased frequency and intensity of these problems to climate change. I realized, at the climate justice camp, that part of the reason we never make that connection is because we don’t have half the data – we are always looking at “our half” of Cyprus.

When it rains, rainclouds soak both parts of Nicosia. The water that falls on one part moves beneath the border, with its rusted barbed wire, to the other part’s dams. Wildfires can jump across boundaries we think are so important, and threaten nature that makes oxygen for us all. Treating the northern and the southern parts of Cyprus as if they truly are separate has and will continue to only harm us. Just look at how, while the officials spent so much time and energy on the dividing line within the island, COVID-19 pandemic only came to Cyprus from its outer borders. The longer we focus on separating the north and the south parts of Cyprus, the worse off we will be with each public health and environmental disaster in our future. If we continue to compete instead of collaborate, we will all lose.

The concept of climate refugees is a great example of how distant the consequences of climate change seem, despite Cyprus being in the middle of it all. Not only is Cyprus a destination for many refugees (some of them surely climate refugees), but Cypriots are at increasing risk of becoming climate refugees themselves. Those who are younger and with more money can and often choose to move to another country: to one with fewer critical political problems and a better climate. Those who don’t have that choice, or can’t make it for various reasons, are left to deal with the problems brought on by the floods, the droughts, the fires, and the pollution. It should go without saying that these populations are those that already live in low-income areas, who don’t have access to as many resources and services as the rest of the country. So, the hardest-hit will always be the ones already suffering from the status quo.

As Cyprus’s future leadership, protectors, and inhabitants, it falls on the younger generations to push for united action against climate change, which will surely follow the reunification of Cyprus.

Kıbrıs İklim Krizinin iki yarısı

Kıbrıs’ı ikiye ayıran Yeşil Hat’ı Mart ayında pandemi nedeniyle girdiğimiz “lockdown”un (genel karantinanın) başlamasından sonra Ağustos ayında ilk kez geçtim. Sonraki iki buçuk gün boyunca, iklim adaleti aktivizmi ile kesişimselliği harmanlayan oturumların içindeydim.

İlk başta biraz yersiz, uyumsuz hissettiğimi itiraf etmeliyim. Bana oradaki iklim adaleti aktivizmine yeni olan tek kişi benmişim gibi gelmişti – ki belki de gerçek de buydu. Kamp aslında zaten çevre aktivisti olanlara, diğer adalet davalarının (cinsiyet, ırk, engellilik ve diğerlerine dayalı olanlar gibi) bize iklimden en çok kimin, nasıl etkilenebileceğini anlatmak içindi. Ancak benim için kamp, Kıbrıs üzerinde çok büyük etkisi olan ancak ona göstermemiz gereken dikkatin yarısını bile almayan bir davaya paha biçilmez bir girişti.

Elbette çevreyi temiz tutma, plastik kullanımını azaltma, elektrik gibi güç kaynakların israfını en aza indirme hakkındaki hareketleri duymuştum. Bunlar temel şeylerdi, ve görmezden gelebilmek için fazlaca çaba harcamak gerekir. Fakat beni iklim adaletinin derinliklerine dalmaktan alıkoyan şey, her şeyin ne kadar “uzak” görünmesiydi.

İklim değişikliğinin Kıbrıs üzerindeki açık etkileri, bir adada yaşamanın kaçınılmaz koşulları ile birlikte hükümetin kötü yönetiminin (ki kısmen de öyledir) bir ürünü gibi görünüyordu.

Aşırı yüksek sıcaklıklar? Eh, Kıbrıs zaten her zaman çok sıcak gibi gelir.

Ani, yoğun yağmurlardan dolayı oluşan seller? Eh, hükümet bununla başa çıkmak için gereken altyapıyı hala hazırlamadı.

Artan orman yangınları? Şey… belki kundakçılıktır, veya hazırlıksız yakalanan yerel halkın gecikmiş tepkisindendir.

Hiç kimse bu sorunların artan sıklığını ve yoğunluğunu iklim değişikliğine bağlamıyor gibi görünüyor. İklim adalet kampında fark ettim ki, bu bağlantıyı asla kurmamamızın bir nedeni de verilerin yarısına sahip olmamamız – her zaman Kıbrıs’ın “bizim yarısına” bakıyoruz.

Yağmur yağdığında, yağmur bulutları Lefkoşa’nın her iki parçasını da ıslatır. Bir parçasına düşen su, paslı dikenli sınır tellerinin altından diğer tarafın barajlarına akar. Orman yangınları, o çok önemli olduğunu düşündüğümüz sınırları bir anda aşıp, hepimiz için oksijen yapan doğayı tehdit edebilir. Kıbrıs’ın kuzey ve güney kısımlarına gerçekten ayrıymış gibi davranmak şimdiye kadar bize sadece zarar verdi ve vermeye de devam edecek. Sadece yetkililerin adayı ayıran çizgiye bu kadar çok zaman ve enerji harcarken, COVID-19 salgınının Kıbrıs’a dış sınırlarından gelmesine bakın. Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyini ve güneyini ayırmaya ne kadar uzun süre odaklanırsak, geleceğimizdeki her halk sağlığı ve çevre felaketinde o kadar kötüye gideceğiz. İşbirliği yapmak yerine rekabete devam edersek, hepimiz kaybedeceğiz.

İklim değişikliğinin sonuçlarının, her şeyin ortasında olmasına rağmen Kıbrıs’a bu kadar uzak görünmesinin harika bir örneği iklim mültecileri kavramıdır. Kıbrıs yalnızca birçok mülteci için bir varış yeri değildir (ki bazıları kesinlikle iklim mültecileridir); Kıbrıslılar aynı zamanda her gün artan bir iklim mültecisi olma riski altındadırlar. Genç ve yeterince paraya sahip olanlar, başka bir ülkeye – daha az kritik siyasi sorun ve daha iyi bir iklime sahip bir ülkeye – taşınmayı seçebilirler. Bu seçeneği olmayanlar veya çeşitli nedenlerle yapamayanlar, geride kalıp, sellerin, kuraklıkların, yangınların, ve kirliliğin getirdiği sorunlarla başa çıkmak zorunda kalırlar. Tabii ki, bu geride kalan nüfus, halihazırda düşük gelirli bölgelerde yaşayanlar, ve ülkenin geri kalanı kadar çok kaynak ve hizmete erişimi olmayanlar olur. Dolayısıyla, en çok etkilenenler her zamanki gibi halihazırda statükodan muzdarip olanlar olacaktır.

Kıbrıs’ın gelecekteki liderleri, koruyucuları, ve sakinleri olarak, iklim değişikliğine karşı birleşik faaliyetlere önayak olmak ve desteklemek genç nesillere düşüyor; ki bu faaliyetler Kıbrıs’ın yeniden birleşmesi ile beraber doğal olarak gelecektir.

Τα δύο μισά της Κυπριακής Κλιματικής Κρίσης

Τον περασμένο Αύγουστο, τόλμησα να διασχίσω την Πράσινη Γραμμή, η οποία χωρίζει την Κύπρο στα δύο, για πρώτη φορά μετά την έναρξη της απαγόρευσης κυκλοφορίας λόγω της πανδημίας τον Μάρτιο. Τις επόμενες δυόμισι μέρες, βυθίστηκα στις συζητήσεις που συνδύασαν τον ακτιβισμό για την κλιματική δικαιοσύνη και τη διαθεματικότητα.

Πρέπει να παραδεχτώ ότι στην αρχή ένιωσα λίγο εκτός. Μου φάνηκε – και ίσως να ήταν αλήθεια – ότι ήμουν η μόνη που ήταν πολύ νέα στον ακτιβισμό της κλιματικής δικαιοσύνης. Η κατασκήνωση είχε σκοπό να μοιραστεί με τους σημερινούς ακτιβιστές του περιβάλλοντος για το πώς άλλοι αγώνες δικαιοσύνης (όπως αυτοί που βασίζονται στο φύλο, τη φυλή, τα ΑμεΑ άτομα και άλλ@) μπορούν να μας εξηγήσουν για το ποιοι αλλά και πώς επηρεάζονται περισσότερο από την κλιματική αλλαγή. Ωστόσο, για μένα, η κατασκήνωση ήταν μια ανεκτίμητη εισαγωγή σε ένα θέμα που έχει τεράστιο αντίκτυπο στην Κύπρο, αλλά δεν παίρνει καν τη μισή προσοχή που πρέπει να του δώσουμε.

Φυσικά, είχα ακούσει για το περιβαλλοντικό κίνημα να λέει να διατηρήσουμε το περιβάλλον καθαρό, να μειώσουμε τη χρήση των πλαστικών, να ελαχιστοποιήσουμε τη σπατάλη πόρων όπως ο ηλεκτρισμός. Αυτά ήταν τα βασικά και θα πρέπει κάποι@ς να προσπαθήσει πολύ σκληρά για να τα αγνοήσει. Αυτό που με εμπόδισε να εισέλθω βαθύτερα στην κλιματική δικαιοσύνη, ήταν το πόσο “μακριά” ήταν όλα.

Οι σαφείς επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής στην Κύπρο φαίνονταν σαν προϊόν κακής διαχείρισης από την κυβέρνηση (που είναι εν μέρει), σε συνδυασμό με τις αναπόφευκτες συνθήκες διαβίωσης σε ένα νησί.

Πραγματικά υψηλές θερμοκρασίες; Χμ, η Κύπρος φαίνεται πάντα να είχε πολύ ζέστη.

Πλημμύρες από ξαφνική, έντονη βροχή; Χμ, η κυβέρνηση δεν έχει χτίσει τις κατάλληλες υποδομές για να το αντιμετωπίσει.

Αυξήθηκαν οι πυρκαγιές; Χμ … ίσως να είναι εμπρησμός ή αργοπορημένη αντίδραση από την απροετοίμαστη τοπική κοινότητα.

Κανείς δεν φαίνεται να συνδέει την αυξημένη συχνότητα και ένταση αυτών των προβλημάτων με την κλιματική αλλαγή. Στην κατασκήνωση για την κλιματική δικαιοσύνη συνειδητοποίησα ότι μέρος της αιτίας που δεν κάνουμε ποτέ αυτή τη σύνδεση, είναι επειδή δεν έχουμε τα μισά δεδομένα – κοιτάζουμε πάντα τη «μισή μας» Κύπρο.

Όταν βρέχει, τα σύννεφα βρέχουν και τα δύο μέρη της Λευκωσίας. Το νερό που πέφτει στο ένα μέρος κινείται κάτω από τα σύνορα, με τα σκουριασμένα συρματοπλέγματά τους, στα φράγματα του άλλου μέρους. Οι πυρκαγιές μπορούν να περάσουν πέρα ​​από τα όρια, που πιστεύουμε ότι είναι τόσο σημαντικά, και που απειλούν τη φύση η οποία παράγει το οξυγόνο για όλους μας. Η αντιμετώπιση του βόρειου και του νότιου τμήματος της Κύπρου σαν να είναι όντως ξεχωριστά έχει ήδη βλάψει και θα συνεχίσει να μας βλάπτει. Απλά κοιτάξτε πώς, ενώ οι ηγέτες σπατάλησαν τόσο πολύ χρόνο και ενέργεια στη διαχωριστική γραμμή του νησιού, η πανδημία του κορονοϊού (COVID-19) εισήλθε στην Κύπρο από τα εξωτερικά της σύνορα. Όσο περισσότερο επικεντρωνόμαστε στο διαχωρισμό του βόρειου και του νότιου τμήματος της Κύπρου, τόσο χειρότερα θα είμαστε στο μέλλον σε κάθε τι που αφορά τη δημόσια υγεία και περιβαλλοντική καταστροφή. Αν συνεχίσουμε να ανταγωνιζόμαστε αντί να συνεργαζόμαστε, όλοι θα χάσουμε.

Η έννοια των κλιματικών προσφύγων είναι ένα εξαιρετικό παράδειγμα του πόσο μακρινές φαίνεται να είναι οι συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής, παρά το γεγονός ότι η Κύπρος βρίσκεται στη μέση όλων. Δεν είναι μόνο ότι η Κύπρος είναι προορισμός για πολλούς πρόσφυγες (ορισμένοι από αυτούς σίγουρα είναι κλιματικοί πρόσφυγες), αλλά οι Κύπριοι διατρέχουν όλο και μεγαλύτερο κίνδυνο να γίνουν οι ίδιοι κλιματικοί πρόσφυγες. Όσοι είναι νέοι και με περισσότερα χρήματα μπορούν και συχνά επιλέγουν να μετακομίσουν σε μια άλλη χώρα: σε μια με λιγότερα κρίσιμα πολιτικά προβλήματα και ένα καλύτερο κλίμα. Εκείνοι όμως που δεν έχουν αυτήν την επιλογή ή δεν μπορούν να το κάνουν για διάφορους λόγους, θα αντιμετωπίσουν τα προβλήματα που προκαλούνται από τις πλημμύρες, τις ξηρασίες, τις πυρκαγιές και τη ρύπανση. Είναι αυτονόητο ότι αυτοί οι πληθυσμοί είναι εκείνοι που ζουν ήδη σε περιοχές χαμηλού εισοδήματος, οι οποίοι δεν έχουν πρόσβαση σε τόσους πόρους και υπηρεσίες όπως και η υπόλοιπη χώρα. Συνεπώς, αυτοί που επηρεάζονται περισσότερο είναι πάντα εκείνοι που ήδη υποφέρουν από το στάτους κβο.

Ως μελλοντική ηγεσία, προστάτες και κάτοικοι της Κύπρου, εναπόκειται στις νεότερες γενιές να πιέσουν για ενωμένη δράση κατά της κλιματικής αλλαγής, η οποία σίγουρα θα ακολουθήσει την επανένωση της Κύπρου.

Thank you! Eυχαριστούμε! Teşekkür ederiz!

Author/Συντάκτης/Yazar: Pinar Barlas

Çevirmenler/Μεταφραστές/Translators: Pinar Barlas, Josef Boraei

Συντάκτες/Editors/Editörler: Pinar Barlas, Josef Boraei, Vijdan Şengör, Eleni Loulli

Photographer/Fotoğrafçı/Φωτογράφος: Maria L. Birtsieva

The post The Two Halves of the Cypriot Climate Crisis (TR, EL, EN) first appeared on AVLI.

Release: Cypriots Defy Division and Meet for Coffee.

By nikolasmichael96



Young Cypriots come together for a social gathering in solidarity and rejection of division.  


Cyprus, 1st of November 2020 – A  group of Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots came together for coffee and conversation in the spirit of peace, cooperation, and human connection. The group came together in response to the latest divisive measures taken by leaders to further divide Cypriots under the guise of public health measures. 

The joint action brought together Cypriots from both sides of the divide to share music, art, games, and good company. The event was organised to bring attention to the efforts taken by the leaderships of the two communities to use the COVID-19 pandemic to divide Cypriots by taking unilateral decisions on the matter, and to show solidarity in these difficult times. For the past few months, the pandemic has been used to break trust between the two communities and instill fear, for a health emergency for which collaboration should have been the way of work from day one. This situation has been negatively affecting real human relationships between the communities, while the leaders show no clear end to this de facto division. Characteristically, a message on a banner of the event read: “Borders and checkpoints are made-up. Our friendships and human connections are real.”

Κύπριοι αψηφούν τη διχοτόμηση και συναντιούνται για καφέ.

Νέοι Κύπριοι ενώνονται για μια κοινωνική συνεύρεση με αλληλεγγύη και ενάντια στη διχοτόμηση.  


Κύπρος, 1η Νοεμβρίου 2020 – Μια ομάδα ελληνόφωνων και τουρκόφωνων Κυπρίων συναντήθηκαν για ένα καφέ και κουβέντα με πνεύμα ειρήνης, συνεργασίας και ανθρώπινων σχέσεων. Η ομάδα συναντήθηκε σε απάντηση των πιο πρόσφατων διχοτομικών μέτρων που λήφθηκαν από τους ηγέτες για να απομακρύνουν ακόμη περισσότερο τους Κύπριους μεταξύ τους, με το πρόσχημα των μέτρων για τη δημόσια υγεία. 

Η κοινή δράση έφερε κοντά Κύπριους κι από τις δύο πλευρές των οδοφραγμάτων για να μοιραστούν μουσική, τέχνη, παιχνίδια και καλή παρέα. Η εκδήλωση διοργανώθηκε με σκοπό να στρέψει την προσοχή προς την προσπάθεια των ηγεσιών των δύο κοινοτήτων να χρησιμοποιήσουν την πανδημία για να χωρίσουν τους Κύπριους λαμβάνοντας μονομερής αποφάσεις για το θέμα, και για να δείξουμε αλληλεγγύη σ’ αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές. Τους τελευταίους μήνες, η πανδημία έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί για να διαλύσει την εμπιστοσύνη μεταξύ των δύο κοινοτήτων και να ενσταλλάξει τον φόβο, για ένα θέμα δημόσιας υγείας για το οποίο η συνεργασία θα έπρεπε να είναι ο τρόπος αντιμετώπισής της από την πρώτη μέρα. Αυτή η κατάσταση έχει επηρεάσει αρνητικά πραγματικές ανθρώπινες σχέσεις μεταξύ των δύο κοινοτήτων, ενώ παράλληλα οι ηγέτες δεν δείχνουν κάποιο ξεκάθαρο τέλος για αυτή την de facto διχοτόμηση. Χαρακτηριστικά, σε πανό της εκδήλωσης αναγραφόταν: “Τα σύνορα και τα οδοφράγματα είναι φτιαχτά. Οι φιλίες μας και οι ανθρώπινες σχέσεις είναι πραγματικές.”

Kıbrıslılar Bölünmeye Karşı Çıkıyor ve Kahve için Buluşuyor.

Kıbrıslı Gençler, dayanışmak ve bölünmeyi reddetmek için sosyal buluşmada bir araya geldi.


Kıbrıs, 1 Kasım 2020 – Yunanca ve Türkçe konuşan Kıbrıslı bir grup, barış, işbirliği ve insani bağları güçlendirmek adına kahve içmek ve sohbet etmek için bir araya geldi. 

Ortak eylem, her iki taraftaki Kıbrıslıları müzik, sanat, oyun paylaşımı yapmak ve birlikte iyi vakit geçirmek için bir araya getirdi. Etkinlik, iki toplum liderlerinin COVID-19 pandemisi konusunda tek taraflı kararlar alarak, Kıbrıslıları bölmek için kullanma çabalarına dikkat çekmek ve bu zor zamanlarda dayanışma göstermek amacıyla düzenlendi. İlk günden itibaren işbirliğinin temel alınması gereken acil sağlık durumunda,  son birkaç aydır salgın, iki toplum arasındaki güveni kırmak ve korku aşılamak için kullanıldı. Bu durum, iki toplum arasındaki gerçek insan ilişkilerini olumsuz yönde etkilerken, liderler bu fiili bölünmenin net bir sonunu göstermiyor. Etkinlikte ki pankart mesajlarından biri ise şöyle: “ Sınır ve geçiş noktaları insan yapımıdır, bizim arkadaşlıklarımız ve bağlantılarımız gerçektir.”

The post Release: Cypriots Defy Division and Meet for Coffee. first appeared on AVLI.

Letter on behalf of a team of young Cypriots passionate about the environment and peace in Cyprus

By nikolasmichael96

Your Excellencies, 

Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Anastasiades, and Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akıncı,

Over the past several weeks, the people of Cyprus have been anxiously watching as warships park themselves in and around our waters, and politicians give blustery speeches threatening the delicate peace in our region. As a team of young Cypriots passionate about the environment and peace, it is our moral duty to urge you, our leaders, to stand together and de-escalate tensions surrounding the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, and not allow our island to be drawn into a larger geo-political maelstrom that will only serve to threaten the lives and livelihoods of our families and friends.

Our cohort, consisting of both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, serves as an example of the cooperative and forward thinking work that Cypriots are capable of as we consider the future of our island. The most recent geopolitical developments surrounding the exploitation of gas fields outside of Cyprus stand against those principles of mutual understanding, cooperation, and trust.

In contrast to the promises that this gas would bring peace to Cyprus, 2020 is the third year in a row without meaningful negotiations between the two communities, while tensions due to gas exploration in our waters are reaching a critical point. At the same time, it is an open secret that some political leaders on the island would consider the Cyprus problem as “solved,” pushing towards the permanent partition of our home through their inaction and lack of cooperation. We strongly condemn the continuation of this unsustainable status quo and we believe that the Cyprus problem can only be solved with the reunification of the island.

Therefore, we cannot stress enough the urge to the leaders of the two communities, and to all parties involved, for the immediate resuming of the reunification talks from where they had stopped at Crans-Montana. We urge you to build the spirit of cooperation and understanding between Cypriots, rather than allow ourselves to be exploited and pulled into the geopolitical ambitions of foreign powers. Cypriots must stand together in rejection of a status quo that brings us to the brink of war, and that begins with the leaders of our island.

The exploitation of natural gas will have an irreversible and deleterious effect on both the Mediterranean Sea and on those of us who depend on the sea for survival. Our sea, which Cyprus’ tourist heavy economy depends on, has already been scarred by decades of intermittent war, heavy shipping, and general pollution. The nations of the Eastern Mediterranean have done little to protect our most valuable resource, in pursuit of short-sighted economic gain and zero-sum political advantage on one another. The Eastern Mediterranean has had our pristine beaches threatened by oil spills, our precious wildlife killed by underwater explosions, and our very water filled to the brim with plastics.  

Finally, as the youth of Cyprus, we are concerned about the effects of further investing in fossil fuel projects will have on the future of our island. Cyprus is uniquely vulnerable to climate change, as we have seen from the massive fires engulfing our island, and the scorching heatwaves and dry spells that threaten public health and agricultural production. Investing in natural gas exploitation may have made perfect sense a decade and a half ago, but we are nearing a point where we need to rapidly decarbonize our economies and invest in economically sound and sustainable solutions.

What we are asking from you:

  • A joint statement by the Leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Communities, calling for the de-escalation of tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • A re-evaluation of the value of drilling for natural gas off the coast of Cyprus, including a full environmental impact assessment
  • A strong commitment to reallocating financial resources into renewable energy, such as solar, for the benefit of the whole island. This includes EU financing for the full electrical interconnection of the island of Cyprus to support the distribution and financial viability of renewable energy
  • A set of strong confidence building measures, such as structured dialogue/bicommunal committee for the energy future of Cyprus and the opening of Varosha for its inhabitants under the administration of UN under Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789
  • The immediate resumption of meaningful negotiations for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem

As Cyprus’ leaders you must not only consider the stakes of gas exploration in terms of number of euros, but also numbers of lives, and the future that you are subjecting your people to. We strongly believe that Cyprus’ greatest resource is the people that live on this great island, and our pursuit of innovative and trailblazing solutions to difficult problems. We ask you to look to us, the youth of this island, who believe that peace and environmental sustainability should be at the forefront of any vision for the future of Cyprus. There is nothing to be gained by continuing the status quo of escalating tensions in this matter, and we have everything to lose.

Tek vatan, tek halk – One country, one people – Μια πατρίδα, ένας λαός.


Andreas Piperides, 25, Nicosia

Angelos Sofocleous, 26, Nicosia

Deniz Özdiren, 24, Nicosia

Dogukan Kansu, 22, Nicosia

Emily Petrou, 18, Nicosia

Erdim Türkmen, 28, Nicosia

Ergün Bey, 24, Kyrenia

Evgenia Chamilou. 22, Nicosia

Fatma Dalokay, 19, Famagusta

Frantzeska Iosif, 23, Limassol 

Hatice Benan, 28, Nicosia

Iosef Boraei, 29, Nicosia

Kemal Haşim, 26, Famagusta

Maria Kola, 29, Nicosia

Merve Ilkan, 22, Nicosia

Myrto Skouroupathi, 26, Nicosia

Nikolas Michael, 24, Limassol

Önder Erdoğdu, 26, Nicosia

Polymnia Glykeriou, 27, Larnaca

Süleyman Kutlu, 22, Larnaca

Vijdan Şengör, 28, Nicosia

Charis Theodorou, 27, Nicosia

The post Letter on behalf of a team of young Cypriots passionate about the environment and peace in Cyprus first appeared on AVLI.

Kıbrıs’ta çevre ve barış konusunda tutkulu genç Kıbrıslılardan oluşan bir ekip adına mektup

By nikolasmichael96


Kıbrıslı Rum Lider Nicos Anastasiades ve Kıbrıslı Türk Lider Mustafa Akıncı,

Geçmiş birkaç haftadır Kıbrıs’taki halklar adamızın etrafındaki savaş gemilerinin varlığını ve politikacıların bölgemizdeki barışı tehdit eden tahrik edici konuşmalarını endişe ile izliyor. Çevre ve Barış için toplanan genç Kıbrıslılar olarak, siz liderlerimizi birlikte durmaya ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki hidrokarbon kaynaklarının araştırılması ve kullanılmasıyla ilgili gerilimi azaltmaya çağırmak bizim görevimizdir. Adamızın daha büyük bir jeopolitik girdabın içine girmesi ailelerimizin  hayatlarını ve geçim kaynaklarını tehdit edecektir, sizlerden buna izin vermemenizi istiyoruz. 

Toplam 19 Kıbrıslı gençten oluşan kohortumuz, adamızın geleceğini düşündüğümüzde Kıbrıslıların yapabilecekleri iki toplumlu ve ileri görüşlü çalışmaların bir örneğidir. Adamızın etrafında bulunan gaz yataklarının kullanılması ile ilgili gelişen son jeopolitik gelişmeler karşılıklı anlayış, işbirliği ve güven ilkelerine aykırıdır.

Bulunması planlanan gaz kaynaklarının Kıbrıs adasına barış getireceği sözleri aksine, son üç yıldır iki toplum arasında yapıcı müzakereler gerçekleştirilmemiştir. Aynı zamanda, adadaki bazı siyasi liderlerin hareketsizlikleri ve işbirliği eksiklikleri nedeniyle yurdumuz kalıcı olarak bölünmeye doğru gitmektedir. Bu kalıcı bölünmeye doğru gidişi kimi politikacılar Kıbrıs sorununun ‘’çözümü’’ olarak görmektedirler. Bu sürdürülemez statükonun devam etmesini şiddetle kınıyor ve Kıbrıs sorununun ancak adanın yeniden birleşmesi ile çözülebileceğine inanıyoruz.

Bu nedenledir ki, Crans-Montana’dan sonra tıkanan görüşmelerin en hızlı şekilde tekrar başlaması için ilgili tüm taraflara, özellikle de iki toplumun liderlerine, müzakereye devam çağrısı yapıyoruz. Sizleri, büyük güçlerin jeopolitik hırs ve çıkarlarına malzeme olmak yerine, Kıbrıslılar arasında işbirliği ve karşılıklı anlayış ruhu inşa etmeye davet ediyoruz. Bizi savaşın eşiğine getiren statükoyu reddetmeliyiz. Bu reddediş, adamızın liderleri sayesinde başlayacaktır.

Doğalgaz rezervlerinin sömürülmesinin hem Akdeniz’in, hem de yaşamak için Akdeniz’e bağlı olanların sağlığı üzerinde, zararlı ve geri çevrilmeyecek etkileri olacaktır. Kıbrıs’ın turizm sektörü ağırlıklı ekonomisinin bağımlı olduğu Akdeniz halihazırda gerek aralıklı savaş gerek nakliye ve genel çevre kirliliğinden zarar görmüş bulunmaktadır. Geçtiğimiz yıllarda Doğu Akdeniz ülkeleri kendi sıfır toplamlı oyunlarını (zero sum game) ve kısa ömürlü ekonomik çıkarlarını ön planda tutarak Akdeniz’i koruma namına hiçbir adım atmadılar. Bu neden ile Doğu Akdeniz’deki saf plajlarımız, kendi denizimiz ve deniz altındaki yaşam gerek petrol sızıntısı tehditleri ile, gerekse su altı patlamaları ve plastik çöpler ile zarar görmüştür.

Çevreyi düşünen gençler olarak fosil yakıt projelerinin ülkemizin geleceği üzerinde olacak etkileri ile ilgili kaygılarımız var. Ülkemizdeki büyük orman yangınları ve hem toplumun sağlığını hem de tarım sektörünü etkileyen uzun kuraklık dönemleri Kıbrıs’ın iklim değişikliği karşısındaki benzersiz savunmasızlığının örnekleridir. Her ne kadar doğalgaz kullanımına yapılan yatırımlar bir on sene önce mantıklı gelmişse de, artık ekonomimizi karbondan arındırma ve sağlam ve sürdürülebilir çözümlere yönelik adımlar atma vakti gelmiştir.


  • İki lider tarafından Doğu Akdeniz’deki gerilimi düşürmek için ortak bir açıklama.
  • Kıbrıs açıklarındaki doğal gaz sondaj çalışmalarının, çevreye verilecek zararın da tamamiyle değerlendirilmesiyle birlikte, tekrar gözden geçirilmesi.
  • Tüm adanın çıkarı adına, güneş enerjisi gibi yenilenebilir enerji altyapıları için finansal kaynak ayrılmasına dair vââtte bulunulması. Bu vâât, AB yardımları ile birlikte tüm adanın yenilenebilir enerji kullanabilirliği ve olası dağıtımı ile ilgili çalışmalar içererek destek unsuru olacaktır.
  • Kıbrıs’ın enerji geleceği ile ilgili iki toplumlu diyalog ve hatta bir komite oluşturulması ya da Maraş’ın 550 ve 789 sayılı Güvenlik Kurulu kararları uyarınca BM himayesi altında açılması gibi bir takım güven artırıcı önlemlerin hayata geçirilmesi.
  • Kıbrıs Sorunu’nun çözümüne yönelik görüşmelerin ciddi bir biçimde acilen yeniden başlaması.

Kıbrıs’ın liderleri olarak, Doğu Akdeniz’deki doğal gaz aramalarını sadece ekonomik anlamda değil, adada yaşayan insanların hayatları ve geleceklerini de göz önünde bulundurarak değerlendirmeniz gerekiyor. Şiddetle inanıyoruz ki Kıbrıs’ın en büyük kaynağı üzerinde yaşayan güzel insanları ve zor sorunlara karşı ürettiğimiz yenilikçi ve öncü çözümlerdir. Sizden istediğimiz, barış ve çevresel sürdürülebilirliğin ön planda olması gerektiğine inanan biz Kıbrıs’ın gençlerinin sesini duymanızdır. Ada ve çevresindeki gerilimi ve statükoyu sürdürerek kazanacak hiçbir şeyimiz olmadığı gibi kaybedecek de çok şeyimiz var.     

Tek vatan, tek halk – One country, one people – Μια πατρίδα, ένας λαός.

Saygı ve içtenliklerimizle,

Andreas Piperides, 25, Nicosia

Angelos Sofocleous, 26, Nicosia

Charis Theodorou, 27, Nicosia

Deniz Özdiren, 24, Nicosia

Dogukan Kansu, 22, Nicosia

Emily Petrou, 18, Nicosia

Erdim Türkmen, 28, Nicosia

Ergün Bey, 24, Kyrenia

Evgenia Chamilou. 22, Nicosia

Fatma Dalokay, 19, Famagusta

Frantzeska Iosif, 23, Limassol

Hatice Benan, 28, Nicosia

Iosef Boraei, 29, Nicosia

Kemal Haşim, 26, Famagusta

Maria Kola, 29, Nicosia

Merve Ilkan, 22, Nicosia

Myrto Skouroupathi, 26, Nicosia

Nikolas Michael, 24, Limassol

Önder Erdoğdu, 26, Nicosia

Polymnia Glykeriou, 27, Larnaca

Süleyman Kutlu, 22, Larnaca

Vijdan Şengör, 28, Nicosia

The post Kıbrıs’ta çevre ve barış konusunda tutkulu genç Kıbrıslılardan oluşan bir ekip adına mektup first appeared on AVLI.

Επιστολή από τη Δικοινοτική Ομάδα Νέων για το Περιβάλλον και την Ειρήνη

By nikolasmichael96


Τις περασμένες εβδομάδες, ο κόσμος της Κύπρου παρακολουθεί με αγωνία καθώς τα πολεμικά πλοία σταθμεύουν μέσα και γύρω από τα νερά μας, και οι πολιτικοί δίνουν πομπώδης ομιλίες απειλώντας την εύθραυστη ειρήνη στην περιοχή μας. Ως μία ομάδα νεολαίας που νοιάζεται για το περιβάλλον και την ειρήνη στην Κύπρο και ως νέοι Κύπριοι, έχουμε ηθικό καθήκον να παροτρύνουμε εσάς, τους ηγέτες μας, να σταθείτε μαζί και να αποκλιμακώσετε τις εντάσεις γύρω από την εξερεύνηση και την εκμετάλλευση των υδρογονανθράκων στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο και να μην αφήσετε το νησί μας να μπλεχτεί σε μια μεγαλύτερη γεωπολιτική αναταραχή που θα χρησιμεύσει μόνο στο να θέσει τη ζωή και ευημερία του λαού της Κύπρου σε κίνδυνο.

Ως μία ομάδα νεολαίας που νοιάζεται για το περιβάλλον και την ειρήνη στην Κύπρο και ως νέοι Κύπριοι, έχουμε ηθικό καθήκον να παροτρύνουμε εσάς, τους ηγέτες μας, να σταθείτε μαζί και να αποκλιμακώσετε τις εντάσεις γύρω από την εξερεύνηση και την εκμετάλλευση των υδρογονανθράκων στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο και να μην αφήσετε το νησί μας να μπλεχτεί σε μια μεγαλύτερη γεωπολιτική αναταραχή που θα χρησιμεύσει μόνο στο να θέσει τη ζωή και ευημερία του λαού της Κύπρου σε κίνδυνο.

Σε αντίθεση με τις υποσχέσεις ότι αυτό το αέριο θα έφερνε ειρήνη στην Κύπρο, το 2020 είναι η τρίτη συνεχόμενη χρονιά χωρίς ουσιαστικές συνομιλίες ανάμεσα στις δύο κοινότητες, την ίδια ώρα που οι εντάσεις λόγω της εξερεύνησης για φυσικό αέριο στα νερά μας έχουν φτάσει σε ένα κρίσιμο σημείο. Ταυτόχρονα, είναι κοινό μυστικό ότι κάποια πολιτικά πρόσωπα του νησιού θεωρούν ότι το Κυπριακό έχει «λυθεί», προωθώντας, με την αδράνεια και την έλλειψη συνεργασίας τους, τη μόνιμη διχοτόμηση της χώρας μας. Καταδικάζουμε έντονα τη συνέχιση αυτού του μη-βιώσιμου status quo και πιστεύουμε ότι το Κυπριακό μπορεί να λυθεί μόνο με την επανένωση του νησιού μας.

Συνεπώς, θέλουμε να τονίσουμε όσο πιο εμφατικά γίνεται, την προτροπή προς τους ηγέτες των δύο κοινοτήτων, και όλα τα εμπλεκόμενα μέρη, για την άμεση επανεκκίνηση των συνομιλιών για την επανένωση της Κύπρου, από εκεί που είχαν σταματήσει στο Crans-Montana. Σας καλούμε να οικοδομήσετε το πνεύμα συνεργασίας και κατανόησης μεταξύ των Κυπρίων, αντί να επιτρέψετε να μας εκμεταλλευτούν και να γίνουμε έρμαιο στις γεωπολιτικές φιλοδοξίες ξένων δυνάμεων. Οι Κύπριοι πρέπει να σταθούν μαζί στην απόρριψη ενός status quo που μας φέρνει στο χείλος του πολέμου, και αυτό ξεκινά με τους ηγέτες του νησιού μας.

Η εκμετάλλευση του φυσικού αερίου θα έχει ανεπανόρθωτες και επιβλαβείς επιπτώσεις τόσο στη Μεσόγειο θάλασσα, όσο και σε όσους από εμάς που εξαρτώνται από την θάλασσα για την επιβίωσή τους. Η θάλασσά μας, στην οποία στηρίζεται έντονα ο τουρισμός άρα και η οικονομία μας, έχει ήδη πληγεί από δεκαετίες πολέμων, βαριά ναυτιλία και ρύπανση γενικότερα. Τα κράτη της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου έχουν κάνει ελάχιστα για να προστατεύσουν τον πιο σημαντικό μας πόρο, επιδιώκοντας βραχυπρόθεσμα οικονομικά οφέλη και πολιτικά πλεονεκτήματα μηδενικού αθροίσματος. Η Ανατολική Μεσόγειος κατέληξε να έχει τις παρθένες παραλίες της να απειλούνται από πετρελαιοκηλίδες, την πολύτιμη άγρια ζωή της να σκοτώνεται από υποθαλάσσιες εκρήξεις και το νερό της να ξεχειλίζει από πλαστικά.

Τέλος, ως οι νέοι της Κύπρου, ανησυχούμε για τις επιπτώσεις που οι επενδύσεις σε έργα ορυκτών καυσίμων θα έχουν στο μέλλον του νησιού μας. Η Κύπρος είναι ιδιαίτερα ευάλωτη στην κλιματική αλλαγή, όπως έχουμε δει από τις τεράστιες πυρκαγιές που κατακλύζουν το νησί μας και τα έντονα κύματα καύσωνα και ξηρασίας που απειλούν τη δημόσια υγεία και τη γεωργική παραγωγή. Οι επενδύσεις στην εκμετάλλευση φυσικού αερίου μπορεί να έκαναν απόλυτο νόημα πριν μιάμιση δεκαετία, αλλά πλησιάζουμε ένα σημείο όπου πρέπει άμεσα να απομακρύνουμε την οικονομία μας από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα και να επενδύσουμε σε οικονομικά ακέραιες και βιώσιμες λύσεις.

Για αυτό ζητούμε:

  • Μια κοινή δήλωση των ηγετών της Ελληνοκυπριακής κοινότητας και της Τουρκοκυπριακής κοινότητας, ζητώντας την αποκλιμάκωση των εντάσεων στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο
  • Την επανεξέταση της αξίας γεώτρησης φυσικού αερίου στα ανοικτά των ακτών της Κύπρου και ιδιαίτερα, τη διεξαγωγή Μελέτης Δέουσας Εκτίμησης Επιπτώσεων στο Περιβάλλον
  • Μια ισχυρή δέσμευση για ανακατανομή των οικονομικών πόρων προς τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας (ΑΠΕ), όπως την ηλιακή ενέργεια, που θα ωφελήσει ολόκληρο το νησί. Αυτό συμπεριλαμβάνει χρηματοδότηση από την Ε.Ε. για την πλήρη ηλεκτρική διασύνδεση του νησιού για τη στήριξη της διανομής και την οικονομική βιωσιμότητα των ΑΠΕ
  • Μια δέσμη σημαντικών μέτρων οικοδόμησης εμπιστοσύνης, όπως η έναρξη δομημένου διαλόγου μεταξύ των δύο κοινοτήτων σχετικά με το ενεργειακό μέλλον της Κύπρου και το άνοιγμα των Βαροσίων για τους νόμιμους κατοίκους τους, υπό τη διοίκηση των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, σύμφωνα με τα ψηφίσματα του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας 550 και 789
  • Την άμεση επανεκκίνηση ουσιαστικών διαπραγματεύσεων για μια συνολική λύση στο Κυπριακό πρόβλημα

Ως ηγέτες της Κύπρου θα πρέπει να εξετάσετε την εξερεύνηση φυσικού αερίου λαμβάνοντας υπόψη όχι μόνο το χρήμα, αλλά και τις ανθρώπινες ζωές και το μέλλον το οποίο καθορίζετε για τους συμπολίτες σας. Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα ότι ο μεγαλύτερος πόρος της Κύπρου είναι οι άνθρωποι που ζουν σε αυτό το υπέροχο νησί και η επιδίωξή μας για καινοτόμες και πρωτοποριακές λύσεις σε δύσκολα προβλήματα. Σας ζητάμε να κοιτάξετε εμάς, τους νέους αυτού του νησιού, οι οποίοι πιστεύουν ότι η ειρήνη και η περιβαλλοντική βιωσιμότητα πρέπει να βρίσκονται στην πρώτη γραμμή οποιουδήποτε οράματος για το μέλλον της Κύπρου. Δεν έχουμε τίποτα να κερδίσουμε με τη συνέχιση του status quo των κλιμακούμενων εντάσεων, αλλά έχουμε να χάσουμε τα πάντα.

Tek vatan, tek halk – One country, one people – Μια πατρίδα, ένας λαός.

Με εκτίμηση,

Ομάδα νέων για το περιβάλλον και την ειρήνη

Andreas Piperides, 25, Nicosia

Angelos Sofocleous, 26, Nicosia

Charis Theodorou, 27, Nicosia

Deniz Özdiren, 24, Nicosia

Dogukan Kansu, 22, Nicosia

Emily Petrou, 18, Nicosia

Erdim Türkmen, 28, Nicosia

Ergün Bey, 24, Kyrenia

Evgenia Chamilou. 22, Nicosia

Fatma Dalokay, 19, Famagusta

Frantzeska Iosif, 23, Limassol

Hatice Benan, 28, Nicosia

Iosef Boraei, 29, Nicosia

Kemal Haşim, 26, Famagusta

Maria Kola, 29, Nicosia

Merve Ilkan, 22, Nicosia

Myrto Skouroupathi, 26, Nicosia

Nikolas Michael, 24, Limassol

Polymnia Glykeriou, 27, Larnaca

Önder Erdoğdu, 26, Nicosia

Süleyman Kutlu, 22, Larnaca

Vijdan Şengör, 28, Nicosia

The post Επιστολή από τη Δικοινοτική Ομάδα Νέων για το Περιβάλλον και την Ειρήνη first appeared on AVLI.