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Στηρίζουμε την απεργία της ΔΕΔΕ στο Παν. Κύπρου

By siata

Η Συντεχνία Διδακτορικών Επιστημόνων Διδασκαλίας και Έρευνας (ΔΕΔΕ) εξαγγέλλει 48ωρη απεργία στις 22/01/2018 για διεκδίκηση των δικαιωμάτων των μελών της που εργάζονται στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου.

Μέλη της ΔΕΔΕ παρουσιάζουν τα αιτήματα τους και εκθέτουν τις δυσμενείς συνθήκες εργασίας τους σε συνέντευξη στο

Η Συντεχνία Διδακτορικών Επιστημόνων Διδασκαλίας και Έρευνας (ΔΕΔΕ) έχει εξαγγείλει 48ωρη προειδοποιητική απεργία στις 22 και 23 του Γενάρη στο πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, λόγω της άρνησης των πρυτανικών αρχών να συζητήσουν μία σειρά από αιτήματα και εισηγήσεις της που αφορούν τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας του ερευνητικού και διδακτικού έργου, καθώς επίσης στοιχειώδη δικαιώματα όπως αξιοπρεπή μισθό, άδεια μητρότητας και ιατροφαρμακευτική περίθαλψη. Τα αιτήματα αυτά, που θα λειτουργήσουν προς όφελος τόσο της ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας όσο και της κοινωνίας σαν σύνολο, είχαν τεθεί από την ΔΕΔΕ επίσημα εδώ και δύο χρόνια, ωστόσο η πρυτανεία επέλεξε να τα αγνοήσει επιδεικτικά.

Ο Πρύτανης Κωνσταντίνος Χριστοφίδης σε πρόσφατη δήλωσή του έφτασε μέχρι το σημείο να ισχυριστεί ότι τα «παιδιά αυτά» [sic] δεν μπορούν να απεργήσουν γιατί δεν είναι εργαζόμενοι, προφανώς επειδή θεωρεί ερευνητές και διδάσκοντες, κατόχους διδακτορικού τίτλου, ως σκλάβους κι όχι ως ισότιμα μέλη της ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας. Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που ο συγκεκριμένος πρύτανης συμπεριφέρεται σαν τσιφλικάς απέναντι σε δουλοπάροικους. Παρόμοια αυταρχικότητα επέδειξε και απέναντι στους φοιτητές τους οποίους εξανάγκασε, με την απειλή της μη εγγραφής στα μαθήματα, να πληρώσουν για ιατροφαρμακευτική περίθαλψη την οποία ο ίδιος επέλεξε, χωρίς καμία συζήτηση και χωρίς να δώσει εναλλακτική επιλογή. Φυσικά η αλαζονεία του δεν περιορίζεται στα «στενά» όρια του πανεπιστημίου. Πριν από λίγο καιρό είχε απειλήσει τους πολίτες της Λάρνακας με ακύρωση των σχεδίων για δημιουργία πανεπιστημιακής σχολής στη Λάρνακα, εάν οι Λαρνακείς δεν αποδέχονταν την κατασκευή βιομηχανικού λιμανιού στην πόλη τους.

Θα πρέπει να τονιστεί ότι οι ερευνητές και διδάσκοντες που εκπροσωπεί η ΔΕΔΕ αποτελούν μία ακόμα κατηγορία επισφαλώς εργαζόμενων και πενιχρά αμειβόμενων ανθρώπων, η οποία εμφανίζεται όλο και συχνότερα τα τελευταία χρόνια στο πλαίσιο αλλαγής των εργασιακών σχέσεων που ακολουθεί ο νεοφιλελευθερισμός. Η στήριξή μας στις κινητοποιήσεις της ΔΕΔΕ είναι σημαντική και μας αφορά όλους γιατί διεκδικεί αυτονόητα δικαιώματα και αξιοπρέπεια. Ευελπιστούμε ότι ο αγώνας τους θα αποτελέσει την απαρχή διεκδικήσεων και από άλλες κατηγορίες επισφαλώς εργαζομένων όπως συμβασιούχων αορίστου χρόνου, εργαζομένων με παροχή υπηρεσιών ή ημιαπασχολούμενων στον δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό τομέα, οι οποίοι αυτή τη στιγμή είναι έρμαια στις ορέξεις των αφεντικών.

Απέναντι στην ασυδοσία της κυριαρχίας απαντούμε με αλληλεγγύη.

Νίκη στον αγώνα της ΔΕΔΕ.

Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων




      The 14th general election in the northern part of Cyprus, which has been under Turkish military occupation since 1974, took place on 7 January 2018. Since 1974, this area has been ethnically cleansed from the Greek Cypriot population and the demographic structure has been changed through the settlers brought from Anatolia. A breakaway state was declared in 1983 on this territory occupied by the Turkish troops and this illegal state is recognized only by Turkey.

      In 42 years since 1976, 39 governments have been formed in this occupied area and the National Unity Party (UBP) took place in 24 of them. The UBP, supported by the separatist Turkish Cypriot leadership and its underground organization TMT, has been in power for 29 years. In the last elections, the majority of the votes went to the UBP.

       In the table below, you can see the names of the political parties that participated in the last three general elections, the percentage of votes they received and the number of seats they won in the 50-seat-parliament, shown in parentheses. The increasing number of the voters and the decreasing number of participation are also significant:

19.4.2009                   28.7.2013                    7.1.2018

UBP                                       43.97 (26)                   27.30 (14)                   35.57 (21)

CTP                                        29.34 (15)                   38.37 (21)                   20.97 (12)

DP                                          10.6 (5)                       23.11 (12)                     7.83 (3)

TDP                                                -                                  -                            8.61 (3)

  HP                                                 -                                  -                         17.10 (9)

YDP                                                -                                  -                           6.96 (2)

Number of voters                   161.373                      172.803                    190.553

Actually voted                       131.349                      120.287                    125.900

Participation (%)                     81.70                          69.61                        66.07

       As you can see from the table above, the National Unity Party (UBP) raised the number of seats from 14 to 21. The second party is the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), which used to be in opposition to the traditional Turkish Cypriot leadership and was on the left, lost 9 parliamentarians and won only 12 seats. The Head of the Democratic Party (DP) is Serdar Denktaş, the son of Rauf Denktaş, who was the founding President of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” (“TRNC”). The number of the seats of his party has fallen from 12 to 3, despite he was in the coalition government with the UBP before the election. Only three seats went to the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), which is close to the President of the “TRNC”, Mustafa Akıncı, who represents the Turkish Cypriot community in the present inter-communal negotiations.

         There are two newly formed parties that could gain seats in their first endeavour. The People’s Party (HP), founded by Kudret Özersay, an academician, who took part in the previous negotiation team, gained 9 seats with a significant success. Prior to the formation of his party, Özersay had a stance that supports the traditional Turkish politics in the Cyprus problem and he was leading the “Clean Community Association”, bringing forward demands such as fighting corruption, transparency and good governance. 2 seats are won by the Revival Party (YDP) that represents mainly the settlers brought from Anatolia.

      It was the first time that a new electoral system was implemented and it was adopted in the parliament that allowed all settlements to be identified as a single constituency, with a mix of party lists and independent persons, as well ticking a mixed cross-party list.

        As you can see from the table above, the number of those, who went to the ballot-boxes in the last general election was the lowest. Meanwhile, the rate of invalid votes has reached the highest level with 11.7%. 67,653 voters (33.8%) did not go to the ballot-box. Besides the fact that the new electoral system has not been adopted by a significant portion of the voters, the people are not satisfied with the policies of the existing political parties and this may have increased the proportion of those who abstained from voting. There were already 379 candidates from 8 parties and 9 independents. We have to consider also that 17,000 new citizenships were granted to the Anatolian settlers before the elections, which was strongly criticised by the oppositional parties.

       The illegal state, which was created by the occupying power Turkey and was defined by the ECHR as “a subordinate local administration of Turkey”, violated the Article 49(6) of the “Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. According to this article, “The occupying power will not transfer a part of its civilian population to the region it occupies, nor will it send through exile.” Unfortunately, Turkey, have sent since 1974 more than 300 thousand civilian population as settlers to the occupied northern Cyprus and this practice continues until today.

         In the booklet of “The Basic Economic and Social Indicators”, the “State Planning Organization of the TRNC” gives the population as 326,158 in 2015, whereas the “High Electoral Council” declared before the recent elections that the population of the “TRNC” was 230,747, out of which 190,553 are eligible to vote. De facto population was supposed to be 299,514 in 2016.  

        The local government granted the settlers the citizenship of the “TRNC” and distributed them the homes and the agricultural land that had been abandoned by the Greek Cypriots in 1974. They were given the right to vote together with the indigenous Turkish Cypriots for the general and local elections so that the collaborationist governments could maintain their power. Furthermore, they took part also in the voting of the Annan Plan.

        When we evaluate the results obtained in this early general election, we can see that the right-wing and non-solution political parties have won the majority of the votes. The positive outcome of 60:40 on the Annan Plan is now reversed and the parties that are in favour of a non-solution have a superiority with 70:30. In the campaigns run by the political parties before the last early election, which was held six months after the failure of the last round of the inter-communal talks in Switzerland, there was no debate whatsoever about the solution of the Cyprus problem. Although mainly the internal issues have been raised, no political party has presented a convincing project for their concrete solution.

       The new distribution of seats in the parliament indicates that a coalition government will be formed, rather than a stable government. The authorities in Ankara have already begun to work in order to transform the existing parliamentary regime in the occupied area into a presidential regime, similar to the one in Turkey.

      AK Party Istanbul deputy Burhan Kuzu shared the following statement in his twitter account related to the elections held in the “TRNC”: “Today, there was an election in the TRNC. A majority government did not emerge. Three governments were formed in the last four years. Obviously, this system doesn’t work in the TRNC. My recommendation is that they should go to the Presidential System. As a scholar who has studied 40 years the architecture of bringing this system to Turkey, I’m ready to give them my service.”  

       Already the Directorate of the Aid Mission of the Turkish Embassy in Northern Nicosia and the “Prime Ministry of the TRNC” commissioned the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey to look into the existing electoral system in the “TRNC” and a report was published in April 2013. Under the title “The State of the TRNC Functional-Institutional Review Study”, the report reads as follows: “In case of a revision of the electoral system, it is recommended that the election districts in accordance with the district boundaries should be abandoned and that a single constituency be formed to cover the entire territory of the TRNC.” (pp. 23-24)

      Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu gave a statement after the election results were announced and asked the Turkish Cypriot politicians to stop saying that they will not participate in a certain coalition government, which was regarded as a clear order and a message sent to the public. A group of Turkish Cypriot Trade Unions issued a protest declaration and condemned Çavuşoğlu’s interference with the internal affairs of the Turkish Cypriot community. 
      In the coming days, Turkey’s socio-political engineering plans, which will be applied in the occupied part of Cyprus, will become clearer. 


     On 19 January 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his anger against Afrika newspaper, which wrote that Turkey’s military operation in Syria was similar to Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus. Erdogan reacted to Afrika’s main title with this call:  “What is necessary must be done by our friends in North Cyprus!” One day later, on 20 January 2018, an angry mob of ultra-nationalist Turkish settlers from the AKP’s youth organization, which had the support of some civilian organizations and ‘municipalities’, gathered outside the building of the Afrika newspaper and threw stones and eggs against its windows. Two protesters climbed on the balcony and removed the paper’s signboards from the wall in front of police’s eyes. The protesters attempted also to enter into the building, but the police prevented them.  The demonstration was turned into a lynching operation with slogans such as “Allah is most great.” Protests were made as well against the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, who came to attend the first session of the ‘parliament’ on the opposite corner of the Afrika’s office.  He was jeered by the mob outside Afrika, when he approached to calm down the situation, but he was forced to get in his car and leave the scene with the help of his bodyguards. 

     The crowds were dispersed by riot police, but they then made their way to the ‘parliament’ where ‘deputies’ were being sworn-in after the elections on 7 January 2018. Two men managed to climb on top of the building from which they waved Turkish flags and a flag frequently waved at rallies by supporters of Turkey’s nationalist Good Party.

     CTP’s ‘deputy’ Dogus Derya was booed during her swearing-in by Nationalist Unity Party lawmakers and the protesters in the ‘parliament’. She reacted shouting “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism”. This caused the reaction of Bertan Zaroglu, ‘deputy’ with the settlers’ Revival Party (YDP), who threw a paper to Derya, something which caused tension in the room.  All these incidents were watched through a live broadcasting on television and shocked the ordinary Turkish Cypriots.

       A “Peace and Democracy March” was held on the evening of 26 January 2018 under the pouring rain in Nicosia in order to protest against the violent attacks by the ultra-nationalists. Around 5,000 Turkish Cypriots took part at this march, which was organized by the Trade Union Platform that represented 21 organizations. It ended up in front of the ‘parliament’ and Afrika newspaper, where a declaration of the Platform was read.

      On 2 February 2018, the prime minister-designate Tufan Erhurman presented his cabinet to the President Akinci. The cabinet, which was approved by Akinci is made up of following members: Tufan Erhurman (CTP), Prime Minister; Kudret Ozersay (HP), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Aysegul Baybars Kadri (HP), Minister of Interior; Serdar Denktas (DP), Minister of Finance; Cemal Ozyigit (TDP), Minister of National Education and Culture; Zeki Celer (TDP), Minister of Labour and Social Security; Filiz Besim (CTP), Minister of Health; Tolga Atakan (HP) , Minister of Public Works and Communications; Fikri Ataoglu (DP), Minister of Tourism and Environment; Ozdil Nami (CTP), Minister of Economy and Energy; Erkut Sahali (CTP), Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

       In the meantime, CTP Famagusta ‘deputy’ Teberruken Ulucay has been elected as the speaker of the parliament, while Zorlu Tore from the main opposition UBP has been elected as the deputy speaker. The government received the vote of confidence on 15 February. While 27 deputies voted in favour of the new government, 22 deputies voted against it. One MP did not attend the session. According to the constitution, no party or group of deputies can table a motion of no confidence for the first three months after a vote of confidence is secured.

      The six men, charged for the attacks against Afrika newspaper and the ‘parliament’ building, have been sentenced on 21 February 2018 to between two and six months in prison. Judge Tacan Reynar, who was presiding over the case, found all of the six accused guilty of the charges of unlawful assembly, rioting, causing damage to property and inflicting intentional harm.

     On 7 March 2018, contacts were held in Ankara by ‘prime minister’ Tufan Erhurman (CTP) and ‘foreign minister’ Kudret Ozersay (HP) with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Havadis newspaper reported on 9 March 2018 that “everything was discussed” during these meetings and described as “interesting at first sight” the fact that the ‘finance minister’ Serdar Denktas (DP) was not included in the Turkish Cypriot delegation. A full harmony was exhibited on the Cyprus problem. The privatization of the “telecommunications authority”, the decrease of the number of “municipalities” and the “citizenship” were issues to which the government in Ankara attached importance. 
   Dogan News Agency reported on 13 March 2018 that President Erdogan asked for more “citizenship” to be given up to one million so that the population of the occupied area would be able to compete economically with the same population of the Greek Cypriots!

(published in In Depth, Bimonthly Electronic Newsletter, Volume 15, Issue 2 - March 2018, Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs,  University of Nicosia) 
  • January 15th 2018 at 15:02

HADE: Complete, Digital and Online

HADE: Complete, Digital and Online

The bi-communal magazine Hade has been digitized and is now available on both the Greek, and the English version of the site. The magazine was the first bi-communal publication after 1974 and was printed and circulated on both sides of the green line in the late 1990s and early 2000s. With the exception of the pilot issue (Issue 0), which was in English, all other issues were mainly bi-lingual, and included texts in both Greek and Turkish.

Secularism in the schools of Cyprus across the dividing line

By Şener Elcil

Autonomous School November 2017: Secularism in the schools of Cyprus across the dividing line: a historical perspective and current developments

Secularism in Cyprus has it's own history – or at least in a part of the country... The Greek – Cypriot community has been and still is one of the most religious societies in Europe. The Church's hegemony can be traced back in the ottoman times and it is still obvious and dominant in many fields, prime among them being education. On the other hand, whereas the Turkish- Cypriots have historically been one of the most secular communities in the so called muslim world, they face – especially during the last decade- an attempt of imposed religionisation through education.

Şener Elcil and Pavlos Pavlou will attempt to explain the historical and contemporary relations between organised religion, politics and education in Cyprus. Şener Elcil is the General Secretary of the Turkish Cypriot teachers' trade union KTÖS. Pavlos Pavlou teaches history in secondary education and at the European University.

Audio Recording (Presentation and Discussion):

Eκποιήσεις - Νέο Νομικό Πλαίσιο και Δυνατότητες Αντίστασης

By Μάγια Αθανάτου

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Σεπτέμβρης 2017: Eκποιήσεις: Νέο Νομικό Πλαίσιο και Δυνατότητες Αντίστασης

Στο Αυτόνομο Σχολείο του Σεπτέμβρη θα συζητήσουμε για το θέμα των εκποιήσεων, το καινούργιο νομοθετικό πλαίσιο και τις δυνατότητες αντίστασης από την κοινωνία. Φιλοξενούμε τους:

Μάγια Αθανατου, LLM by Research: 'The New Legal Foreclosure Regime in Cyprus: Time that …

Εκδόσεις Θούπος

By Θούπος

Οι εκδόσεις Θούπος  εν ένα αυτοοργανωμένο εγχείρημα με έδρα την Κύπρο. Εδημιουργήθηκαν με σκοπό να πυκνώσουν τες ανατρεπτικές λέξεις τζιαι σελίδες στο νησί.

Ο στόχος υλοποιείται προς θκιό κατευθύνσεις :

Που τη μια με προώθηση της θεωρίας, έρευνας τζιαι συλλογικής γνώσης για τον κοινωνικό ανταγωνισμό τζαι που την άλλη με την διάδοση των κινηματικών ιδεών τζιαι πρακτικών ευρύτερα στον κοινωνικό ιστό.

Σε τούντην κατεύθυνση δρομολογείται η έκδοση ενός εύρους υλικού, πρωτοεμφανιζόμενου αλλά τζιαι ανατυπωμένου, με μια μεγάλη γκάμα θεμάτων.

Ελπίζουμε οι εκδόσεις να μπορέσουν να λειτουργήσουν στα πρότυπα της συνεργατικής παράδοσης τζαι ότι αρκετά μέλη με μια μικρή συνδρομή ή εισφορά θα επιτρέψουν την υλοποίηση άλλης μιας αναγκαίας υποδομής για τις ανάγκες του ανταγωνιστικού κινήματος

Τέλος είμαστε ανοιχτοί/ες σε ιδέες τζιαι συνεργασίες για μελλοντικά πρότζεκτ.

Λευκωσία, Καλοκαίρι 2017

Eκποιήσεις - Νέο Νομικό Πλαίσιο και Δυνατότητες Αντίστασης

By Μάγια Αθανάτου

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Σεπτέμβρης 2017: Eκποιήσεις: Νέο Νομικό Πλαίσιο και Δυνατότητες Αντίστασης

Στο Αυτόνομο Σχολείο του Σεπτέμβρη θα συζητήσουμε για το θέμα των εκποιήσεων, το καινούργιο νομοθετικό πλαίσιο και τις δυνατότητες αντίστασης από την κοινωνία. Φιλοξενούμε τους:

Μάγια Αθανατου, LLM by Research: 'The New Legal Foreclosure Regime in Cyprus: Time that is not Wasted, Time that Counts'

Σύνοψη παρουσίασης: Θα προσπαθήσω να αναδείξω κάποια χαρακτηριστικά των νομοθετικών μεταρρυθμίσεων σε σχέση με τις εκποιήσεις και την αφερεγγυότητα φυσικών προσώπων όπως αυτές προέκυψαν έπειτα του προγράμματος οικονομικής μεταρρύθμισης μεταξύ της Κύπρου και των Δανειστών της. Στα πλαίσια πτυχιακής, έθεσα ερωτήματα σε σχέση με το ρόλο του ‘χρόνου’ στις πρόσφατες αλλαγές. Η έννοια του χρόνου αποτελεί βάση με την οποία προσεγγίζω τρία κυρίως θέματα. Πρώτον, το ρόλο της ίδιας της απειλής έναντι της πρώτης κατοικίας. Υποστηρίζω ότι η σχετική απειλή εκφράζει αντιπαραθέσεις με συγκεκριμένες πτυχές κοινωνικού χρόνου στην Κύπρο που σχετίζονται με την απώλεια πρώτης κατοικίας. Δεύτερον, το ‘δίχτυ προστασίας’ που παρέχεται από το πλαίσιο αφερεγγυότητας. Υποστηρίζω πως βασικά ελαττώματα και κίνδυνοι που σχετίζονται με το ‘δίχτυ προστασίας’ συναρτούν με την ενεργοποίηση και την δόμηση του ατομικού χρόνου. Τρίτον, θέτω ερωτήματα για την έννοια ‘νόμοι-εξπρές’, υποστηρίζοντας ότι ο όρος επιτάχυνση μπορεί να κατανοηθεί και ως τον συντονισμό διαφορετικών χρονικών συμπεριφορών, ακόμα και των καθυστερήσεων και της έλλειψης χρόνου.

Δημήτρης Δημητρίου, Κινημα Ενάντιας Στις Εκποιήσεις: «Εκποιήσεις με διαδικασίες express όπως κατοχυρώνονται στο νέο νομοθετικό πλαίσιο»

Το Κίνημα ξεκίνησε από τα μέσα του 2013 με πρώτη κινητοποίηση τη πορεία προς το προεδρικό το καλοκαίρι του ιδίου χρόνου. Εντατικοποίηση των δράσεων σημειώθηκε το 2014 ιδιαίτερα λίγο πριν και κατά τη διάρκεια των συζητήσεων του νέου νομοθετικού πλαισίου , Σεπτέμβρη 2014 με εκδηλώσεις διαμαρτυρίας έξω από τη βουλή .


Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο: Ολοκλήρωση Ψηφιοποίησης ...

Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο: Ολοκλήρωση Ψηφιοποίησης του Τραίνο Στην Πόλη

Το περιοδικό Τραίνο Στην Πόλη ήταν ένα από τα πρώτα έντυπα του αναρχικού/αντιεξουσιαστικού χώρου στην Κύπρο. Το πρώτο τεύχος εκδόθηκε στην Λεμεσό το 1987 και το τελευταίο το 1994.

Πλέον, και τα 11 τεύχη του περιοδικού είναι διαθέσιμα στο Αρχείο σε μορφή PDF, ωστόσο μια σειρά από εργασίες πρέπει να ακολουθήσουν, και η βοήθεια σας είναι αναγκαία.

  • Τα τεύχη 1 ως 8 έχουν σκαναριστεί από φωτοτυπίες, με αποτέλεσμα χαμηλή ποιότητα ψηφιοποίησης και απώλεια μέρους του κειμένου. Πρόσβαση στα πρωτότυπα των τευχών 1 ως 8 είναι απαραίτητη για νέο σκανάρισμα.
  • Υλικό που συνόδευε το περιοδικό σαν ένθετα, και υλικό που δημιουργήθηκε από τους ίδιους εκδότες είτε δεν έχει εντοπιστεί, είτε δεν έχει κατηγοριοποιηθεί κατάλληλα.
  • Για τα περισσότερα τεύχη απουσιάζει ο μήνας έκδοσης και άλλες ιστορικές πληροφορίες.
  • Για τα περισσότερα τεύχη δεν έχει δακτυλογραφηθεί ο κατάλογος περιεχομένων.
  • Για τα περισσότερα τεύχη δεν έχουν δακτυλογραφηθεί τα σκαναρισμένα άρθρα.
  • Κανένα άρθρο του περιοδικού, ούτε οι σελίδες περιγραφής του δεν έχουν μεταφραστεί στα Αγγλικά και Τουρκικά.

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Η αντίσταση στο πραξικόπημα του 1974 στο Καϊμακλί

By Πανίκος Λαπηθιώτης

Η αντίσταση στο πραξικόπημα του 1974 στο Καϊμακλί

Συζήτηση με τους: Πανίκο Λαπηθιώτη, μαχητή της Αντίστασης Ανδρέα Σαβουλλή, πρώην πρόεδρο του Μορφωτικού Συλλόγου «Πρόοδος» Καϊμακλίου

Τρίτη, 25/7/2017 ώρα: 19.30 στον Κοινωνικό Χώρο Kaymakκιν, Αρχ. Μακαρίου 127, Καϊμακλί

Audio Recording:

Η αντίσταση στο πραξικόπημα του 1974 στο Καϊμακλί

By Πανίκος Λαπηθιώτης

Η αντίσταση στο πραξικόπημα του 1974 στο Καϊμακλί

Συζήτηση με τους: Πανίκο Λαπηθιώτη, μαχητή της Αντίστασης Ανδρέα Σαβουλλή, πρώην πρόεδρο του Μορφωτικού Συλλόγου «Πρόοδος» Καϊμακλίου

Τρίτη, 25/7/2017 ώρα: 19.30 στον Κοινωνικό Χώρο Kaymakκιν, Αρχ. Μακαρίου 127, Καϊμακλί

Audio Recording:

Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο: Τα 6 πρώτα τεύχη του Εντός ...

Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο: Τα 6 πρώτα τεύχη του Εντός των Τειχών

Ανακοινώνουμε την διάθεση των πρώτων 6 τευχών του εξαιρετικά σημαντικού περιοδικού της Λευκωσίας, Εντός των Τειχών.

Το Εντός των Τειχών κυκλοφόρησε μεταξύ των ετών 1985 και 1989, με 41 τεύχη στο σύνολο του. Έχουμε ολοκληρώσει την ψηφιοποίηση των πρώτων 6, δηλαδή όλα τα τεύχη που κυκλοφόρησαν το 1985. Σύντομα θα είναι διαθέσιμα και τα τεύχη 7 έως 17, που καλύπτουν τον επόμενο χρόνο κυκλοφορίας του περιοδικού, το 1986.

Όπως και για κάθε υλικό που ανεβάζουμε στο Αρχείο, η διαθεσιμότητα των σκαναρισμένων PDF είναι μόνο η αρχή. Χρειαζόμαστε την βοήθεια σας για την καλύτερη ταξινόμηση και ιστορική πλαισίωση του κάθε υλικού, την δακτυλογράφηση των σκαναρισμένων σελίδων και την μετάφραση του υλικού προς τα Αγγλικά και τα Τουρκικά.

Επίσης, για το Εντός των Τειχών, χρειαζόμαστε το τεύχος 28, το οποίο δεν έχουμε ανακτήσει ακόμα.

Για οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια μπορείτε να προσφέρετε, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας με email στο



In the “Special Issue: The Cyprus Problem” of the “In Depth” bimonthly Electronic Newsletter, published in February 2017, I dealt with the internal aspect of the Cyprus problem under the title “Uncertainties at the Cyprus negotiations.” In this issue, I shall point out the uncertainties about the external aspect, mainly the security and the guarantee issues in a possible agreement.


According to the new guarantee formula that the Greek Cypriot side has brought to the table, first 75% of Turkish troops will be withdrawn and the remaining 25% will be withdrawn within a predetermined time (e.g. 18 months) under UNFICYP supervision. (The Turkish Cypriot side did not accept this. They insist that the Turkish Cypriot constituent state, whenever it is needed, should have always the unilateral right of calling Turkey for intervention.)

Internal security was organized in three stages: First, there will be a police force at the constituent state level, comprising 60% Greek Cypriot and 40% Turkish Cypriot policemen, who will serve at their desks, i.e. 5,000 in the south and 3,100 in the north.

The second phase is at the federal level, with 500 police officers at a proportion of 50: 50%, units with the authority of using weapons would serve in emergency response and in federal criminal investigation bureau. The local police of the Turkish Cypriot state will ask for help from the federal government if it is difficult.

In the third stage, the UN Security Council will have an international police force of 2,500 people. This police force will provide personnel from the EU countries outside Greece and the UK and from third countries outside Turkey. This multinational police force to be formed immediately after the settlement will not interfere in any way with the internal arrangement of the United Cyprus and it will function for five years and will be placed on the border between the two constituent states, after the Turkish troops have withdrawn completely from the island. According to Article 6 of the UN Constitution, there will be only light weapons and no authority to interfere with conflicts.

The international police force will only be activated if there is a threat and international peace is in danger. This is a comment by the Security Council based on political criteria and interests and it requires a number of other measures, such as implementing the 7th Article, the economic embargo before the military measures and/or the sea and air bombings.


Great Britain and Greece, three of the NATO countries that guaranteed the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960, seem eager to give up their rights in the new era.

Greek Foreign Minister Kotzias made a proposal to sign a Treaty of Friendship and Stabilization between Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. Through this treaty, it was announced that safety valves could be added to various subjects.

Turkey, on the other hand, requires a structure, as in 1960, not only for the United Cyprus Republic, but also for the constituent states, in which the territorial integrity, security and constitutional order are guaranteed. Three Turkish formulas have been put forward regarding the guarantees:

1. A formula, in which NATO is involved,

2. The guarantee of a Turkish base within the Turkish Cypriot province and commanded by the Turkish commander,

3. The Turkish guarantor will remain for only the Turkish Cypriots after the settlement. In this regard, no agreement has yet been reached.


It is understood that Turkey's proposal is not to assure the physical security of the Turkish Cypriots or the implementation of the resolution, but rather to raise the geo-strategic demands of her own country. Although Turkey had leaked to the press that she wanted to limit her right to interfere with island’s internal affairs, only to the Turkish Cypriot province, but later Turkey wanted to keep a sovereign military base within the Turkish state to be formed in the northern part of the island. This would be commanded by a Turkish commander and its duration would not be fixed.

Turkish President Erdogan wanted to give the message that Turkey will always stay in Cyprus with guarantees and her troops, in a statement he gave immediately after the end of the five-party conference in Geneva in the middle of January 2017. Erdogan demanded that the closed territory of Famagusta be given to the Greek Cypriot side, while the territory of Kokkina and Morphou would be combined and given to the Turkish Cypriot side. "Do not wait for Karpasia and the shoreline" he added. This meant that the Pirgo-Dilliria regions would be given to the control of the constituent Turkish Cypriot state.

According to the Greek Cypriot press, the occupation army has recently developed facilities in the Kokkina region and the Republic of Cyprus also was asked for some facilities, but these requests were rejected. After this rejection, 250 concrete and other materials were transported by sea to this region. According to the evaluations made, this development of the region is related to the military base the Turkish side wants to establish in Cyprus in case of a solution. According to the Turkish proposal, this base will be sovereign and 2,500 troops will settle here.


It was described as "very serious", when Turkey demanded, especially during the discussions on the Cyprus issue, that the EU's 4 freedoms (free movement of people, goods, services and capital) should be granted to Turkish citizens and the Greek Cypriot side stated that it did not consider this demand to deal with Cyprus negotiations.

President Nicos Anastasiades sent a letter to the European Commission on January 30, 2017, saying that "Ankara made a blackmail with her demand for 4 freedoms" and, if recognized, "this will have very serious and unprecedented effects not only on Cyprus, but also on the EU and its member states".

The newspaper wrote that Anastasiades received positive responses from the European countries, saying that so far some EU member states were against to the granting of 4 freedoms to Turkish citizens and Bulgaria responded in the same way the day before.

The Fileleftheros newspaper, dated 4 April 2017, informed that a joint procedure of Washington, London, Brussels and the UN Secretary General's Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide was being followed that the demand for the recognition of 4 freedoms would be recognized for the Turkish citizens after the settlement of the Cyprus problem.

Under the title of "The US has 4 freedoms in the background", the Fileleftheros newspaper, based on the information it received, reported that the United States was included in the "game" of support for the request of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, through Jonathan Cohen, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The newspaper claims that Cohen gave the EU the opinion that the Turkish request should be fulfilled and that Brussels does not oppose this view and that, based on the same information, he also claimed that the issue of equal treatment for the Turkish citizens was also on the agenda, whereas they are not aware of the rights the Greek citizens in Cyprus have acquired from the EU membership.

The newspaper also said that in case the EU demands, Cohen would be able to provide equal treatment for Turkish and Greek Citizens in Cyprus by "simulating exercises" through the combination of previously applied models, including "Kaliningrad" or "Portugal". He was also informed that preparations could be made for that. It has also been suggested that Brussels will act in a way that Cyprus will have a special status in the EU, in accordance with "previous models".

Regarding the free movement of goods, the newspaper claimed that Turkey is working on the combination of "Customs Union with the EU" and "Providing mutual facilities" between the Federal Republic of Cyprus and Ankara.

In its news comment on 5 March 2017, the Fileleftheros newspaper wrote under the title "EU: Four Freedom with the Portuguese-Brazilian Model" that there are hopes for the creation of a perspective for the resumption of the negotiations on the Cyprus issue, if the influential circles in Brussels examine the “similar examples” for the realization of the Turkish demands for 4 freedoms for her citizens in Cyprus.

The newspaper wrote that the influential circles worked on the example of Portugal, which provided the privileged treatment of the EU, before allowing it to join the EU, by granting work permits to workers from Brazil depending on the special relationship between the two countries.

The newspaper reported that there is a significant difference between the Portuguese example and the situation in Cyprus and that Portugal was not an EU member, when it demanded this privilege, whereas Cyprus has been an EU member state since 13 years.

After a blockage of the inter-communal negotiations, the Greek Cypriot press wrote that the UN has prepared some important bridging proposals between the external security aspect of the Cyprus problem and the internal constitutional aspect, like the rotating presidency. We shall be seeing the results, when the two leaders meet in New York.

(published in In Depth, Bimonthly Electronic Newsletter, Volume 14, Issue 3- June 2017, Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs,  University of Nicosia)

  • June 27th 2017 at 22:25

Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο - New Additions in the Archive

Νέες Προσθήκες στο Αρχείο - New Additions in the Archive

Το ακόλουθο υλικό έχει προσθεθεί στο Αρχείο - The Following Documents have been added to the Archive (in the Greek language section):

Επίσεις δακτυλογραφήθηκαν τα ακόλουθα κείμενα στα Ελληνικά - In Addition, the following articles have been typed in Greek:

Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα

By Αντώνης Χατζήκυριακου

2ο Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Ιούνης 2017: Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα

Στο δεύτερο αυτόνομο σχολείο του Ιούνη, θα συζητήσουμε με τον ιστορικό / οθωμανολόγο Αντώνη Χατζήκυριακου: " Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα: από την οικονομική στην περιβαλλοντική ιστορία και από την Κύπρο στη Μαδέιρα"


Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα

By Αντώνης Χατζήκυριακου

2ο Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Ιούνης 2017: Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα

Στο δεύτερο αυτόνομο σχολείο του Ιούνη, θα συζητήσουμε με τον ιστορικό / οθωμανολόγο Αντώνη Χατζήκυριακου: " Όταν η ιστορία μαθαίνει από το κίνημα: από την οικονομική στην περιβαλλοντική ιστορία και από την Κύπρο στη Μαδέιρα"




The Cyprus problem has been the legacy of the British colonial “divide and rule” policy. When the British occupied the island in 1878, ending a 300-year period of Ottoman rule that had begun in 1571, the British preferred to keep the existing structures of education in Cyprus. The Christian Greek Cypriot and the Moslem Turkish Cypriot schools were kept separate from one another. There were two Boards of Education, which ensured that the curriculums of the two communities mirrored those in Greece and Turkey respectively. Thus the nationalism of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots did not originate from the local historical circumstances, but the nationalist ideas were imported to the island through the teachers, books and newspapers that came from Greece and Turkey. This nationalism was encouraged by the British colonial administration and the British tried to disseminate it among the unconscious masses of people in accordance to their traditional policy of ‘divide and rule’.
           Following the annexation of Cyprus by the British Empire in 1914, the new Republic of Turkey gave up all of her rights on Cyprus, when the Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923. This was confirmed in 1925, when Britain declared Cyprus as a Crown Colony – a status it retained until 1960.

The Communist Party of Cyprus, which was established in 1926, had a political programme of acquiring independence of the island and it was envisaged to become a part of the Socialist Balkan Federation. But after the nationalist rebellion of the Greek Cypriots in 1931, the British banned all the political activities and abolished the Legislative Council, where a Turkish Cypriot member voted together with the Greek Cypriot members some months ago.

             During the Second World War, the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots fought and served together, on the side of Great Britain, on various fronts and at home, they organised  themselves in the same trade unions against the difficult economic conditions. In 1941, the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus (AKEL) was established and it adopted a policy for the union (enosis) of the island with Greece. This was the biggest obstacle for the cooperation with the Turkish Cypriots, who saw it as a danger to their existence.

            In 1955, the Greek Cypriots started a terror campaign against the British colonial administration with the final aim of union of the island with Greece. It was in 1955 that Turkey was made again a party to the Cyprus problem with the London Conference and in 1956 Turkey and the collaborationist Turkish Cypriot leadership adopted the British plans, which aimed at the partition of the island (taksim) as a political solution.

The Turkish Cypriot youth became auxiliary police and commandoes in order to fight against the Greek Cypriot fighters. When the Greek Cypriot underground organization, the EOKA, killed the Turkish Cypriot members of the security forces, the Turkish Cypriot underground organization, the TMT, began to kill the Greek Cypriots in retaliation.

Both organizations were anti-communist oriented and they killed also progressive Cypriots. The TMT killed in 1958 some members of the progressive Turkish Cypriot trade unions and forced the others to resign from the common trade unions, thus destroying the foundations of the common political struggle.

            At the end of the conflict, neither the Greek Cypriots’ aim for enosis, nor the Turkish Cypriots’ aim for taksim were materialized, but a limited independence was given to a new partnership Republic of Cyprus, which was established in 1960. The British maintained their sovereignty over the two military bases. Both enosis and taksim policies were banned in the constitution. The guarantors of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the new state were members of the NATO, i.e. Britain, Greece and Turkey and they did not want to see a Cypriot state, free of their influences.

            The Turkish Cypriots, having 18% of the island’s population, were given 30% share in the administration of the new Republic of Cyprus. This was not digested by the Greek Cypriots. Archbishop Makarios, the President of the Republic, did not believe in the idea of creating a new Cypriot nation. He told to an Italian newspaper that the London Agreements created a new state, but not a new nation. On the other hand, the Turkish Cypriot leadership did not believe in the new partnership Republic and continued its separatist policies.

Two Turkish Cypriot advocates, Ahmet Gurkan and Ayhan Hikmet, started to publish on the day of independence a weekly newspaper, called “Cumhuriyet” (The Republic), where they waged with other progressive Turkish Cypriots a struggle for the cooperation of the two main communities in Cyprus in the new state. For the first time, the ideas of Cypriotism were being propagated through an oppositional newspaper and later they established a political party. The writers of the “Cumhuriyet” newspaper were supporting the independence of Cyprus, condemning the aim of union of the island with another nation or state and they wanted that Cyprus should belong to its own people, the Cypriots. Unfortunately these staunch supporters of the Republic of Cyprus were killed by the TMT on 23 April 1962, on the pretext that they served the interests of the Greek Cypriots. In 1965, Dervish Ali Kavazoglu, who was a Turkish Cypriot member of the Central Committee of the AKEL, was murdered together with his Greek Cypriot trade-unionist friend. He was against the partitionist policies of the Turkish Cypriot leadership and for the friendship and cooperation of the two communities in Cyprus. These actions of intimidation silenced the democratic opposition within the Turkish Cypriot community.

In the 1960’s, contrary to the processes in Europe, many African and Asian states were formed before the consolidation of a nation. In the case of Cyprus, this fragile partnership lasted only three years. In December 1963, the President of the Republic, Archbishop Makarios tried to change the 13 points of the constitution by abolishing the veto power of the Turkish Cypriot Vice-President Dr. Kuchuk. The inter-communal clashes started and at the beginning of 1964, the Turkish Cypriots withdrew from the state apparatus. This conflict of nationalisms between the pro-union Greek Cypriot leadership and the pro-partition Turkish Cypriot leadership complicated the solution of the ethnic-national question in Cyprus. The unity of action and aim of the Cypriots could not be developed under a common shared aim and this was exploited by the imperialist powers.

            On 21 December 1963, inter-communal clashes started and the underground organizations, which had their connections with the foreign powers, became influential again in both communities. The Greek Cypriot leadership was aiming the union of the island with Greece and the Turkish Cypriot leadership was planning to create the conditions for the partition of the island. Now Cyprus problem was once again on the international arena.

            We read in a working paper, prepared by Donald A. Wehmeyer, a US legal adviser, on 11 December 1963 that a Treaty of Joint Sovereignty between Greece and Turkey was proposed. Wehmeyer added to his memorandum “Outline of Possible Cyprus Settlement” an important ingredient for a solution, which would be more attractive to Turkey: Cyprus should be divided into provinces. Certain provinces would be administered mainly by Turkish Cypriots and this would create an illusion of partition or federation. (Claude Nicolet, United States Policy Towards Cyprus, 1954-1974: Removing the Greek-Turkish Bone of Contention”, Germany, 2001, p.226 and 229)
Salahi R. Sonyel writes that the British government hit upon an interesting solution, which was the reconstruction of Cyprus as a federal solution:

“Thus on 3 January (1964), Sir Francis Vallat asked H.G.Darwin, a constitutional expert, to produce a paper examining the possibility of dividing Cyprus into a Turkish and a Greek area, which might be formed into a federal state. Even if such a plan was feasible a number of problems were foreseen in its application. Darwin composed a memorandum, in which he suggested a federation of two states, one predominantly of Greek, and the other of Turkish populations. He also suggested an exchange of population in order to realise the Turkish state. The capital of the Turkish state would be Kyrenia.” (Cyprus, The Destruction of a Republic and its Aftermath, British Document 1960-1974, Extended second edition, Ankara 2003, pp.78-78)

In the summer of 1964, Makarios rejected the Acheson Plan, which was discussed in Geneva and which envisaged the union of Cyprus with Greece on the condition that a military base would be given to Turkey in Karpas peninsula. President Makarios was re-elected in 1968 with his new policy of “feasible solution”, instead of enosis.

We read again from Nicolet’s book: “Acheson was fully indulging himself in studying the different proposals that had emerged in Washington throughout spring of 1964. In Brands’ words, “he was ready to devise a plan that would eliminate the Cyprus problem by eliminating Cyprus.” A suggestion he was particularly intrigued with was Don Wehmeyer’s scheme of 24 April, providing enosis with an illusion of partition or federation to the Turks by the establishment of certain provinces to be administered by Turkish Cypriot eparchs, as he cabled to Ball on 8 July. (Nicolet, ibid, p.257)

And this was finally realized with a so-called “controlled intervention” (Nicolet, ibid, p.213)  in the summer of 1974, which was decided by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece, Christos Ksantopoulos-Palamas and the Turkish Foreign Minister, Osman Olcay. The two ministers met on 3-4 June 1971 during the NATO ministerial meeting in Lisbon and discussed how to get rid of Makarios and put an end to the independence of the Republic of Cyprus by partitioning the island through “double enosis”.

            As the imperialist foreign powers and their tools on the island were against the independent development of the Republic of Cyprus, which followed a non-aligned foreign policy, they were continuously inciting nationalistic and anti-communist feelings among the island’s population. We observe again in this period that a Cypriot consciousness could not be developed to a sufficient degree.

From 1968 until 1974, various rounds of inter-communal negotiations were carried out without signing a final agreement.  A de facto situation was created by an aborted coup d’Etat against President Makarios, organized by the fascist Greek junta and its military forces in Cyprus on 15 July 1974. This created an opportunity for Turkey to intervene five days later to the internal affairs of Cyprus. Turkey occupied the 37% of the northern part of the island and on 16 August 1974, on the 16th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Cyprus, the island’s territory was partitioned into two regions, one in the North for the Turkish Cypriots and the other in the South for the Greek Cypriots.

In a declassified Secret Memorandum sent from Helmut Sonnenfeld, Counselor of the US State Department to Secretary Henry Kissinger on 14 August 1974, the directive was the following:

“Assuming the Turks quickly take Famagusta, privately assure Turks, we will get them a solution involving one third of the island, within some kind of federal arrangement.” (Cyprus Weekly, 10 August 2007)

            The Greek Cypriots were forced to leave the occupied areas and the Turkish Cypriots living in south of the cease-fire line were transported to the northern part. A bi-regional, ethnically cleansed geographical division was attained de facto. It remained to form a de jure central government for the “federation”, which was the aim of the Turkish government since 1964. The new state of affairs forced the Turkish Cypriots to have closer relationship with Turkey. The Turkish Cypriots became under the direct influence of the mainland Turkish economy, politics and culture.

            The Autonomous Turkish Cypriot Administration declared first on 13 February 1975 the “Cyprus Turkish Federated State” and then announced a unilateral declaration of independence on 15 November 1985, under the name “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, on the Turkish occupied territory of the island. This was condemned immediately by a resolution of the Security Council of the UN. Several rounds of inter-communal talks could not bring the two communities together under a bi-communal federal umbrella and the island remains since 1974 partitioned, occupied and colonized. Besides the Turkish Occupation Army of 40,000 troops, there are more than 250,000 Anatolian settlers, living in the northern part of the island and most of them are given the citizenship of the “TRNC”. Northern Cyprus has become a colony of Turkey, where the number of the indigenous Turkish Cypriots are estimated to be around 120,000.
            We observed that especially after 1974, two different identities have emerged: One in the north of the divide, possessing the separatist “TRNC” as an expression of Turkish Cypriots’ nationalist identity and another one in the south of the divide, as the sole owner of the Cypriot state, which has distinctively a Greek Cypriot character.
            In order to reach at a common goal, there should be common political parties of Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, seeking common political aims. The full equality of all the communities living on the island in the fields of politics, economy and culture could only be achieved through common political parties, which will fight for a democratic federal state and against all kinds of separatism and discrimination.

            A correct policy for the solution of the problem of nationalities is indispensable and this is the responsibility of the party of the working class, the AKEL. Unless the AKEL review its policy for the Turkish Cypriots and turn to them, no step forwards could be achieved with the existing nationalist policies and this would consolidate the partition of the island.  

            Another point of view, which should not be overlooked is that the solution of the problem in the concrete conditions of Cyprus depends on one hand on the elimination of the influences of imperialism and neo-colonialism and the military bases and on the other hand to decide how to solve the internal question of nationalities, which I see as the main issue. But the determining factor here is not the difference between the two communities. On the contrary, it has to be stressed that the class struggle in the whole country and in the international arena will be decisive.

It seems that the following fear of the imperialists is still valid, first mentioned in the 1989 International Yearbook of Communist Affairs: “If the north and the south of Cyprus will be united in a future “Federal Cyprus”, the electoral power of the Greek and Turkish communists can win the majority of the votes in any Presidential elections of such an unusual government. But here the crucial problem is not, as the bourgeois circles suggest, “which   community will govern the other one”, but “which class will have the power in his hand on the whole of the island.

(Paper read at the Emergency 4th Euro-Mediterranean Workers’ Conference, organized by Balkan Socialist Center “Christian Rakovsky” and the RedMed web network, in Athens-Greece, on 26-28 May 2017)

  • May 30th 2017 at 09:46

Οι Εξορύξεις Σε Ελλάδα – Κύπρο Και Η Απάντηση Των Κοινοτήτων

By Dayanışma

Οι Εξορύξεις Σε Ελλάδα – Κύπρο Και Η Απάντηση Των Κοινοτήτων

Παρασκευή 27 Μάη 2017, στις 18:00 στα πλαίσια του αντιεξουσιαστικού φεστιβάλ B-FEST6 στην Ελλάδα


Οι Εξορύξεις Σε Ελλάδα – Κύπρο Και Η Απάντηση Των Κοινοτήτων

By Dayanışma

Οι Εξορύξεις Σε Ελλάδα – Κύπρο Και Η Απάντηση Των Κοινοτήτων

Παρασκευή 27 Μάη 2017, στις 18:00 στα πλαίσια του αντιεξουσιαστικού φεστιβάλ B-FEST6 στην Ελλάδα


Beyond Gay: The politics of pride

By Dayanışma

Beyond Gay: The politics of pride

We invite everyone to join our screening of the documentary “Beyond Gay: the Politics of Pride” on the 9th of May at Social Space Kaymakκιν, in Kaymakli, at 19:00. Following the screening, there will be presentations from members of antifa λευkoşa, Dayanışma, Queer Cyprus and Syspirosi Atakton on LGBTQI+ activism and pride experiences in Cyprus, continued with open discussion.


Αναδημοσίευση: Σημείωμα για την παράτυπη φραγή ...

Αναδημοσίευση: Σημείωμα για την παράτυπη φραγή ιστοσελίδας με εντολές της αστυνομίας

Το Κινηματικό Αρχείο μοιράζεται τις ανησυχίες που εκφράζει το πιο κάτω σημείωμα της Συσπείρωσης Ατάκτων. Αναδημοσιεύουμε από την ιστοσελίδα της οργάνωσης.

Την Παρασκευή 12 Μάη, η αστυνομία έβαλε στο μάτι μια ιστοσελίδα που είναι ξεκάθαρα πλατφόρμα δημοσίευσης για φάρσες. Εσυλλάβαν με την κατηγορία της διάδωσης ψευδών ειδήσεων έναν άτομο που εδημοσίευσεν φάρσα με πρωταγωνιστήν τον εαυτόν του.

Σύμφωνα με τες εφημερίδες, που την Παρασκευή εψάχναν τρόπο να μπλοκκάρουν την ιστοσελίδα για λόγους “δημοσίου συμφέροντος”. Την Δευτέρα είχαν ήδη έτοιμη την λύση: εχρησιμοποιήσαν δύο νόμους που έν έχουν καμιά σχέση με την υπόθεση για να αναγκάσουν τις εταιρίες που παρέχουν πρόσβαση στο ίντερνετ να μπλοκκάρουν ολόκληρη την πλατφόρμα. Πρόκειται για τον νόμο καταπολέμησης της παιδικής πορνογραφίας, τζιαι τζιείνον για τον ηλεκτρονικόν τζόγο. Δηλαδή, ό,τι ήβραν για να τελειώνουν – έτσι τζι αλλιώς ο φαρσέρ ακόμα εν εκαταδικάστηκε, τζιαι φυσικά μια ολόκληρη πλατφόρμα έν μπόρει να φέρει ευθύνη για την ανάρτηση ενός χρήστη της, άρα νομική κάλυψη μηδέν για την απόφασήν τους. Σημειώνουμεν βέβαια ότι μέχρι στιγμής κάποιες εταιρίες αγνοήσαν το αίτημα του κράτους.

Για εμάς τούτη η εξέλιξη εν ανησυχητική. Πρόκειται για περισταστικό λογοκρισίας της ηλεκτρονικής έκφρασης, με αρκήν έναν εύκολο στόχο χωρίς πολιτική σημασία, το οποίο ελπίζουν να περάσει απαρατήρητο.

Αν για το “δημόσιο συμφέρον” ξεκινήσουν να μπλοκκάρουν σελίδες όποτε θέλουν, ίσως φέρνοντας τζιαι νόμους που να τους προσφέρουν νομική κάλυψη στο μέλλον, η διεθνής εμπειρία δείχνει μας ότι το κίνημαν της αντιπληροφόρησης το οποίο η σΑ θεωρεί ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό, αλλά τζιαι της συλλογικής συγγραφής (όπως το έργο της Wikipedia) γίνουνται στόχοι.

Ας μεν συνηθίσουμεν λοιπόν στην ηλέ-αστυνομία ακόμα τζιαι αν πρόκεται για φάρσες, γιατί κάθε μικρή ολίσθηση προς τον ολοκληρωτισμό περνά εύκολα απαρατήρητη την στιγμή που γίνεται.

Ζητούμεν που τα κυπριακά μέσα αντιπληροφόρησης τζιαι ριζοσπαστικής συζήτησης (οργανώσεις τζιαι bloggers) να μεν περιμένουν να γίνει ο χώρος μας στόχος πριν εναντιωθούμεν δημόσια σε τούτες τες πρακτικές.

Beyond Gay: The politics of pride

By Dayanışma

Beyond Gay: The politics of pride

We invite everyone to join our screening of the documentary “Beyond Gay: the Politics of Pride” on the 9th of May at Social Space Kaymakκιν, in Kaymakli, at 19:00. Following the screening, there will be presentations from members of antifa λευkoşa, Dayanışma, Queer Cyprus and Syspirosi Atakton on LGBTQI+ activism and pride experiences in Cyprus, continued with open discussion.


Που το Σιάτλ στο Αμβούργο

By Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Μάη 2017

Που το Σιάτλ στο Αμβούργο

Με αφορμή τη συνάντηση των G20 στο Αμβούργο τον Ιούλιο του 2017 και τις κινητοποιήσεις που διοργανώνονται στο Αμβούργο εκείνες τις μέρες, αφιερώνουμε το αυτόνομο σχολείο του Μαίου για να συζητήσουμε την ιστορία των κινητοποιήσεων του κινήματος παγκόσμιας δικαιοσύνης, ξεκινώντας από το Σιάτλ το 1999 και φτάνοντας μέχρι το Αμβούργο.


Μετακινήσεις και έμφυλες διαφορές

By Μαρία Σαρρή

Μετακινήσεις και έμφυλες διαφορές

Αυτόνομο σχολείο 27 Απριλίου 2017

H Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων οργανώνει για το αυτόνομο σχολείο Απριλίου την εκδήλωση “Μετακινήσεις και έμφυλες διαφορές”.

Στην εκδήλωση θα γίνει προβολή της ταινίας μικρού μήκους “Romeo&Juliet@Freeland” και συζήτηση με τη δημιουργό Μαρία Σαρρή καθώς και εισήγηση απο τον Άκη Γαβριηλίδη: “Είναι η μαντίλα σύμβολο θρησκευτικής καταπίεσης;”.


Λύσην τωρά! Çözüm Şimdi! Solution now!

By linopampakos

1. Ελληνοκύπριοι, Τουρκοκύπριοι, Αρμένηες, Μαρωνίτες, ξένοι τζ̆αι ντόπιοι, που κατοικούμεν τζ̆αι αγαπούμεν τούτον τον τόπον, δηλώννουμεν ότι δεν θέλουμεν να ενωθεί με κανέναν κράτος, ούτε να μείνει μoιρασμένος. Καλούμεν τα ελληνοκυπριακά τζ̆αι τουρκοκυπριακά πολιτικά κόμματα που στηρίζουν την λύση να αναλάβουν πρωτοβουλίες για να το κάμουν γνωστόν τζ̆αι ξεκάθαρον προς τους ξένους τζ̆αι προς τους Κυπραίους ούλλους, ότι τούτον εν η πεποίθηση αλλά τζ̆αι ο στρατηγικός στόχος της πλειοψηφίας του λαού. Είναι η κυριόττερη σύγκλιση για την ασφάλειαν που χρειαζούμαστιν σήμμερα για να ξεπεραστεί το αδιέξοδον, να γνωρίζει τζ̆αι να εμπιστεύεται η μια κοινότητα τους πραγματικούς στόχους της άλλης. Καλούμεν τες πολιτικές δυνάμεις να στηρίξουν την προσπάθειαν των ηγετών για λύσην, δείχνοντας τους έμπρακτα το πολιτικόν υπόβαθρον πάνω στο οποίον θα χτιστεί η ομοσπονδία.

2. Εμάς που υπογράφουμεν την δήλωσην τούτην, δεν επηρεάζεται η σκέψη μας που γόητρα παλιών πολέμων. Δρούμεν μαζίν ορθολογικά για την ειρήνην τζ̆αι το κοινόν μας μέλλον. Καλούμεν τους ηγέτες να απελευθερωθούν που τα όποια γόητρα τζ̆αι να επικεντρωθούν στην δουλειάν να ξεπεραστούν οι δυσκολίες. Καλούμεν τους να σταματήσουν να σπαταλούν ενέργειαν να ρίξει ο ένας τον άλλον που το γόητρον του τζ̆αι να χάννουν τον χρόνον ποιού εν τα φταισίματα, Ο κόσμος χρειάζεται να του δείξουν στην πράξην πως θα λειτουργήσει αρμονικά η αυριανή μας ομοσπονδία.

3. Εμείς μελετούμεν τα γεγονότα για να δημιουργήσουμεν άποψην για το παρελθόν τζ̆αι να εμπνευστούμεν για έναν όμορφον τζ̆αι ειρηνικόν μέλλον. Οι ηγέτες να καλέσουν τους θεσμούς παιδείας των θκυ̮ο κοινοτήτων  να δηλώσουν ότι εν προσηλωμένοι σε μιαν εκπαίδευσην που σέβεται την ιστορίαν σαν επιστήμην τζ̆αι όχι πολιτικόν εργαλείον,  τζ̆αι που σέβεται τους μαθητές σαν αθρώπους ελεύθερους, να έχουν δικήν τους κρίσην για τα γενονότα.

4. Καλούμεν τα κόμματα που λαλούν ότι θέλουν λύσην να δηλώσουν ότι απέχουν που οποιανδήποτε προεκλογικήν δραστηριότηταν μέχρι τζ̆αι 4 μήνες πριν τες εκλογές για να δώσουν χώρον τζ̆αι χρόνον στους ηγέτες να καταλήξει η τρέχουσα προσπάθεια τους, ή να προχωρήσει σε σημείον μη επιστροφής, έτσι που να την συνεχίσει όποιος τζ̆αι να εκλεγεί αν δεν προλάβουν. Καλούμεν τους ηγέτες να προσηλωθούν πάνω στα σημαντικά προβλήματα για να έχουμεν σύντομα τες τελικές συγκλίσεις που θα ορίσουν την λύσην. Επιθυμούμεν οι επόμενες εκλογές να είναι ομοσπονδιακές τζ̆αι να ψηφίσουμεν ούλλοι οι Κυπραίοι τους άρχοντες πον να εφαρμόσουν την λύσην τζ̆αι θα θεμελιώσουν την ομοσπονδιακήν ειρήνην στον τόπον.

5. Προσκαλούμεν τα κόμματα, τες οργανώσεις, τους ενεργούς πολίτες να αναλάβουν πρωτοβουλίες ενημέρωσης του λαού. Όπως φτάννουμεν στα δύσκολα με το θέμαν της ασφάλειας, να οργανωθούν δικοινοτικές συγκεντρώσεις όπου ΤΚ πολιτικοί της λύσης να εκθέσουν στο ελληνοκυπριακόν ακροατήριον την αντίληψην τζ̆αι τους φόβους των ΤΚ για την ασφάλειαν τζ̆αι  ΕΚ πολιτικοί της λύσης, να εξηγήσουν σε τουρκοκυπριακά ακροατήρια την αντίληψην τζ̆αι τους φόβους των ΕΚ. Καλούμεν πρωτοποριακές οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας, πολιτιστικές οργανώσεις, συνδέσμους καλιτεχνών, επαγγελματιών, να τολμήσουν να κάμουν το βήμαν για την πιο ειρηνικήν ένωσην, δημιουργώντας δικοινοτικές ομοσπονδίες, διόντας στες οργανώσεις τζ̆αινούρκαν δυνάμικήν απευθυνόμενοι σε ούλλους τους Κυπραίους.

6. Η σημμερινή κρίση δείχνει ότι τα αδιέξοδα μας στην Κύπρον δεν μπορούν να ξεπεραστούν ούτε με επιβολήν της άποψης μιας αριθμητικής πλειοψηφίας που μιαν κοινότηταν πα στην άλλην, ούτε με το βέτο μιας μειοψηφίας που μπλοκκάρει, ούτε με την προσφυγήν στην βίαν από τρίτα κράτη που διαθέτουν στρατιωτικήν ισχύν, ούτε με τον αποκλεισμόν ή με αποχώρησην της μιας κοινότητας που τες πολιτικές αποφάσεις. Καλούμεν τους ηγέτες να γινούν πιο σοφοί τζ̆αι πολιτικά πιο δυνατοί που τα διδάγματα της κρίσης, για να έβρουν την πολιτικήν βούλησην μιας τελευταίας σύγκλισης για την ασφάλειαν τζ̆αι την διακυβέρνησην αποκλείοντας ότι φοβίζει τους αθρώπους που θα ψηφίσουν την μέλλουσαν συμφωνίαν.

Απαιτούμεν λύσην τωρά! Κύπριοι μπλόγκερ -  

Λύσην τωρά! Çözüm Şimdi! Solution now!

1.  Kıbrıslı Rumlar, Kıbrıslı Türkler, Kıbrıslı Ermeniler ve Kıbrıslı Maronitler, yabancılar ve bu topraklarda yaşamayı seven yerliler olarak bizler, başka herhangi bir devletle birleşmek ya da bölünmüş bir şekilde yaşamak istemiyoruz. Çözümü destekleyen Kıbrıslı Rum ve Kıbrıslı Türk siyasi partilerine inisiyatif almaları ve Kıbrıs’ta ya da dışında yaşayan herkesi bunun halkın çoğunluğunun stratejik amacı olduğu noktasında bilgilendirmelerini istiyoruz. Günümüz çıkmazını aşmamızın tek yolu her iki toplumun da birbirlerinin gerçek hedeflerini bilmeleri ve güvenmelerinden gelir. Siyasi güçleri liderlerin, Federasyonun inşa edileceği siyasi bağlamda gerçek ve belirgin bir yol çizerek çözüme ulaşma çabalarının yanında durmaya çağırıyoruz.

2. İmzası bulunan bizler, düşüncelerimizin eski savaşlarından etkilenmesine izin vermiyoruz. Birlikte ve mantıklı bir şekilde barış ve ortak geleceği hedefliyoruz. Liderleri, gururlarını bir kenara bırakıp halihazırda bulunan zorlukları aşmaları için gerekli çözümlere odaklanmaya çağırıyoruz. Birbirlerini aşağılamaya ve suçlamaya enerji harcamamalarını talep ediyoruz. Halk, liderlerden gelecekteki federasyonun nasıl çalışacağını göstermesini istiyor.

3.Tarihin gerçeklerini öğrenerek geçmişe dair bakış açıları yaratmak ve birlikte güzel ve barışçıl bir gelecek kurmak istiyoruz. Liderler her iki toplumun eğitim kurumlarına seslenip, temel eğitim prensiplerini örnek alarak, tarihi bir siyasi bir araç olarak değil, bir bilim dalı olarak görmelerini ve öğrencilere kendi yargılarını şekillendirebilecek özgür bireyler olarak saygı göstermeleri gerektiğini belirtmelidir.

4. Kendilerini çözüm yanlısı ilan eden partilere, liderlere şu anki çabalarını tamamlamak için bolca zaman verme, ya da geri dönülmeycek noktayı aşmak için yeterli zaman yoksa, çabaların bir sonraki seçilen kişi tarafından devam etmesini sağlamak için seçimlerden 4 ay öncesine kadar hiçbir seçim hareketinde bulunmaması için sesleniyoruz. İki liderin, sorunun zorlu noktalarına odaklanmasını  ve çözümün şeklini belirleyecek olan son noktaya ulaşmasını istiyoruz. Bir sonraki seçimin, tüm Kıbrıslıların çözümü tamamlayacak ve adadaki federal barışı sağlamlaştıracak lidere oy vereceği, federal bir seçim olmasını istiyoruz.

5. Siyasi partilere, örgütlere ve sivil topluma insanları bilgilendirme insiyatifini almaları için sesleniyoruz. Şu anda güvenlik etrafında dönen zorlu problemlerde olduğumuzdan, Kıbrıslı Türklerin çözüm yanlısı siyasetçilerinin Kıbrıslı Rumlara korku ve görüşlerini aktaracağı ve Kıbrıslı Rum çözüm yanlısı siyasetçilerin Kıbrıslı Türklere korku ve görüşlerini anlatacağı iki toplumlu toplantılar olmalıdır. İlerici sivil toplum örgütlerine, kültür gruplarına, sanatçılara ve derneklere, cesaret edip barışçıl birleşme için önemli adımlar atmaları, iki toplumlu federasyonlar yaratarak organizasyonlarına bütün Kıbrıs’a hitap eden yeni bir dinamik getirmeleri için sesleniyoruz.

6. Günümüzdeki kriz bize Kıbrıs’taki çıkmazın ne çoğunluğun fikrini tüm topluma kabul ettirmesi, ne azınlığın vetoyla karar vermeyi bloke etmesi, ne üçüncü ülkelerin askeri gücü, ne de diğer toplumu karar alma mekanizmasından atarak ya da birleşik kurumlardan çekilerek çözülemeyeceğini gösteriyor. Liderlerimize, siyasi olarak daha da güçlenmek için, akıllıca hareket etmeleri ve bu krizden bişeyler öğrenmeleri için sesleniyoruz.

Barışı şimdi istiyoruz! Dayanışma - Kıbrıslı blogcular

Solution now! Çözüm Şimdi! Λύσην τωρά!

1. We Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenian Cypriots and Maronite Cypriots, foreigners and locals living and loving this land, state that we don't want it to be unified with any other state or remain divided. We call upon Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political parties that support a solution to take the initiative to inform everyone abroad and in Cyprus that this is the belief and the strategic purpose of the people's majority. The main convergence necessary to overcome the impasse today is for each community to know and to trust the real aims of the other. We call upon the political forces to stand by the leaders' effort to achieve a solution by manifesting in a real and specific way the political context within which the federation will be built.

2. We the undersigned will not allow our thoughts to be influenced by the glamor of old battles. We act together and rationally aiming for peace and a common future. We call upon the leaders to let go of pride and focus on the work that needs to be done to overcome the existing difficulties. We call upon them to stop wasting energy trying to humiliate each other and blaming each other. The people need to see the leaders actively demonstrate how our future federation can function.

3. We study the facts of history in order to formulate our perspectives about the past and get inspired towards building a beautiful and peaceful future. The leaders should call upon the educational institutions of the two communities to state that they are intent on applying educational principles that respect history as a science and not as a political tool, with respect to students as free humans with their own judgment.

4. We call on the political parties that consider themselves to be pro-solution to declare that they will abstain from any electioneering activity for up to 4 months before the elections, in order to give the leaders ample time to conclude their current effort, or if there's not enough time to get past the point of no return, so that the effort can be continued by whoever is elected. We call on the two leaders to focus on the outstanding issues of the problem so that we can soon arrive at the final convergences that will define the shape of the solution. We desire the next elections to be federal so that all Cypriots can vote for the leaders who will implement the solution and will cement federal peace on the island.

5. We call on political parties, organizations and civil society to take the initiative of informing the people. Aw we move in the difficult issues around security, there should be bicommunal gatherings where Turkish Cypriot pro-solution politicians will explain their fears and perspective to a Greek Cypriot audience and Greek Cypriot pro-solution politicians will explain to a Turkish Cypriot audience their fears and perspective. We call on progressive civil society organizations, cultural groups, artist and professional associations to dare and take the crucial steps towards peaceful reunification, by creating bicommunal federations, giving their organizations a new dynamic by addressing all Cypriots.

6. The present crisis shows that the impasse in Cyprus can be overcome neither by imposing the opinion of the majority of one community over the other, nor by a minority veto blocking decision-making, nor by resorting to the military strength of third countries, nor by ruling out the other community from decision-making or walking out from joint institutions. We call on our leaders to become wiser and learn from this crisis, so as to emerge politically stronger.

We call for a solution now! Cypriot Bloggers - Dayanışma
  • March 15th 2017 at 06:16

By linopampakos

Απαιτούμεν λύσην τωρά! Κύπριοι μπλόγκερ
  • March 13th 2017 at 09:20



In Cyprus, which has been divided since 1974 as a result of the occupation of the northern part of the island by Turkey, a new set of the intercommunal negotiations have been going on since mid-May 2015 between President Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Akıncı, in order to reunite the island under a federal umbrella, but there are some uncertainties, which draw attention as follows:  

1. The two sides have agreed that the constituent federal states shall have the right to enter into agreements with foreign governments and international organizations on matters falling within their jurisdiction. These areas cover culture (including arts, education and sports), tourism and economic investment (including financial support).

According to the information given to the Turkish Cypriot press, the constituent states may only want the Federal Foreign Office to be in operation, if they need it! But the Greek Cypriot side said the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not need to ratify, as the agreements will involve the entire state in a cooperative effort with the constituent state.

Since the education is left to the powers of the constituent states, it is a matter of debate how federal state citizens will be educated in a federalist and unifying manner, whereas the nationalistic prejudices have been strong for many years. This issue is important in the context of the dependencies of the Turkish Cypriot statelet on Turkey in all aspects since 1974.

2. The Turkish Cypriot side has accepted in the past that the proportion of the territory of the constituent federal state in the north could fall from today’s 36% to 29% +. The Greek Cypriot side has prepared two maps, which envisage that 28.5% of the territory will be left to the Turkish Cypriot side, but the talks on territory have not yet ended.

The Greek Cypriot side suggested that if the establishment of cantons in the areas of Karpasia and Maronite villages were accepted, Morfou could also be a special administrative area for the central government.

The Turkish Cypriot does not accept the creation of special territories, mass population migrations and the reduction of the coastline. (According to official data of the Central Command of the British Sovereign Base Areas, 316.19 km of the coastline of Cyprus is controlled today by Southern Cyprus and 420.55 km by Northern Cyprus.) Moreover, it insists that the borderline between the two constituent states must be flat!

3. According to the agreement reached on the population, there will be 800,000 Greek Cypriots in the south and 220,000 Turkish Cypriots in the north. However, the Turkish side wants to add 30,000 Turkish Cypriots living abroad to this 220,000.

An interesting point is that Mr. Anastasiadis, in response to the question put by the Chairman of the Citizens’ Alliance, Georgos Lillikas, about the source of the number of accepted 220,000 Turkish Cypriot citizens, answered that the number of Greek Cypriots registered in the Statistical Office of the Republic of Cyprus was deliberately increased from 667,000 (2011 Census) to 800,000 in order to provide legitimacy to the 100,000, who are Turkish citizens!

According to the latest official census, conducted in 2011 in the occupied territory, the number of permanent residents is 286,257. The number of those born in Cyprus (“TRNC” and Southern Cyprus) was 160,207 (56.0%) and 104,641 (36.6%) were born in Turkey. As it is known, after 1974, Turkey moved population to the occupied territory in order to change the demographic structure of the island and this is contrary to the 1949 Geneva Convention. It is a fact that these settlers, who were granted citizenship of the “TRNC”, also voted for the Annan Plan, but this does not mean that they are legally located in the island.

On the other hand, President Anastasiades said that the number of Turkish Cypriots registered as Cypriot or have a passport or ID card is 117,544 and that there are at least 12,500 Turkish Cypriots, who did not apply or did not sign up, and thus the number of Turkish Cypriots reached 130,000.

Anastasiades said that the total number of Turkish nationals, formed by mixed marriages and their born children, did not exceed 90,000, but later he said that this figure was “a wrong number spelled out” and led to reactions. Anastasiades told that about 40,000 Turkish settlers will stay in the island and that this figure is much less than the Greek Cypriots had accepted in the past.

,In addition, Anastasiades noted that 25,000 Turkish Cypriots living in the United Kingdom have not applied to the Republic of Cyprus and that the number of Turkish Cypriots, included in the figure of 220,000, has increased to 155,000. It was estimated that the total number of mixed marriages and their children was 25,000 this time, making a total of 180,000 Turkish Cypriot population. Thus, he reduced the number of Turkish settlers, who would gain legitimacy, to 40,000.

Akıncı stated that the number of Turkish Cypriot citizens is taken as 220,000 persons, instead of 286,257 as mentioned above and he explained that all the “TRNC” citizens will be citizens of the new federal state and the EU in the future without difference of origin. Underlining that the work permits of the non-citizens will be renewed and they will continue to work, Akıncı emphasized that the work-force required by the economy will continue to be in Cyprus. He stated that the wish of the Turkish Cypriots is that the needed workforce should remain in the island.

The New Birth Party, formed by the settlers from Turkey, directed the following questions to Akıncı: "Anastasiades said 90,000 people will stay. Who are meant by the words, those who originate from Turkey? How are they determined? What is the status of the spouses in mixed marriages and what will happen to the children born in “TRNC”?

According to the Greek Cypriot press reports, it is estimated that between 90 and 120 thousand citizens of the Republic of Turkey will remain in the island. If it is the case, the Turkish Cypriots will be a minority in their own constituent state. In order to find out the real composition of the population, it is necessary to have a census, monitored by UN or another reliable organization.

This issue is important also for the EU. Because, if the composition of the population in the northern federal state is dominated by the settlers of Turkish descent, the impact of Turkey, which is not a member of the EU, may be decisive in Cyprus's foreign policy issues and this will cause dispute within the EU. Already, many bureaucrats in Brussels have asked "Will Erdogan step on to the territory of the EU through Cyprus? Will Cyprus be Erdogan's Trojan Horse?" Moreover, Turkey has demanded that four freedoms should be valid for its citizens in Cyprus that will remain to be a EU country after the solution.

4. The number of Greek Cypriots, who will live in the federal state in the north, has been constrained in terms of four freedoms and the ethnic cleansing after the 1974 war has also become permanent. The Turkish Cypriot side explained that there is difference between the legal domicile and the right of abode, which has no political or other right. Moreover, for any person, who would apply for "internal citizenship", s/he should be able to know and to use the native language in the North perfectly. Apart from the right to stay, for example, there will be no political right to vote. "Domestic citizenship", i.e. legal residence will be entitled maximum up to 20% of the population of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state. It is thought that thus, the majority of the Turkish Cypriot population in its own state will not be threatened in any way.


There are 183 topics, which have not yet been agreed upon, as reflected in the minutes of the negotiations. Among these are some of the demands of the Turkish Cypriot side:

1. Although there has already been a rapprochement in the idea of a “single ticket” for the election of the President and the Vice-President, the Turkish Cypriot side has clearly indicated during the process of negotiating the subject of “Governance” that "Cross voting" is a package with the subjects of “Rotating Presidency” and the choice of the ministers to be preferred by both communities. Thus a cleavage was formed.

2. The Turkish Cypriot side believes that the subject of Primary Law is not yet closed. However, Peter van Nuffel, EU Commissioner in Charge of the Negotiations, said that the Final Agreement must be approved in the national parliaments of the EU member countries, which is a very difficult argument.

3. The Turkish Cypriot side insisted on the FIR for having two separate air traffic control centres. The Greek Cypriot side did not discuss this and suggested that there should be two control towers for approaching 20 km to the airport.

4. It was agreed that the casinos would be under federal juristiction. However, according to the convergence reached, the operating conditions and rules will not be applied to the existing casino facilities in the occupied area.

5. The Turkish Cypriot side has not yet provided the required data for organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank that are examining the economic aspect of the solution.


After the political agreement is reached there are technical issues that need to be discussed and resolved. Some of them are: The writing of the constitutions of the constituent states and the federal state, which should be in harmony with each other, the list of international agreements, the federal laws and even the detailed writing of the coordinates of the territory. Besides the ones mentioned above, it has been reported that the UN provided a list of 103 items, including flag, anthem, civil servants, demining, etc., which should be realized before the agreement. Of course, once the internal aspects of the Cyprus dispute are resolved in this way, securing the newly established order, if necessary, by the UN or the EU, will be discussed at an international meeting. 

(Published in "In Depth", Bimonthly Electronic Newsletter, Special Issue: The Cyprus Problem, Volume 14, Issue 1- February 2017, © 2016 Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs • University of Nicosia)

  • March 2nd 2017 at 18:10

Φασισμός, Ξενοφοβία, Εκμεταλλευση και Ρατσιστική ...

Φασισμός, Ξενοφοβία, Εκμεταλλευση και Ρατσιστική Βία στην Κύπρο - Πέμπτη Έκδοση

Το link περιέχει αρχείο PDF που μας στάλθηκε, που αρχειοθετεί περιπτώσεις φασισμού, ξενοφοβίας, εκμετάλλευσης μεταναστών/τριών και προσφύγων στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία την περίοδο 1999-2017 από διάφορες πηγές.

Φασισμός, Ξενοφοβία, Εκμεταλλευση και Ρατσιστική Βία στην Κύπρο - Πέμπτη Έκδοση

Γλώσσα πηγών: Ελληνικά, Αγγλικά. Γλώσσα Τίτλου, Περιεχομένων: Ελληνικά, Ελληνικά/Αγγλικά.

Archive Regarding Fascist, Racist, Xenophobic and Migrant/Refugee Exploitation in the Republic ...

Archive Regarding Fascist, Racist, Xenophobic and Migrant/Refugee Exploitation in the Republic of Cyprus (1999-2017 - 5th Edition)

The following link contains a PDF file we received archiving incidents of Fascist, Racist, Xenophobic and Migrant/Refugee Exploitation in the Republic of Cyprus in the period 1999-2017 from various sources.

Φασισμός, Ξενοφοβία, Εκμεταλλευση και Ρατσιστική Βία στην Κύπρο - Πέμπτη Έκδοση

Language of Sources: Greek, some English. Language of Title - Table of Contents: Greek, Greek/Englsih.

Ριζοσπαστικές Αφηγήσεις για το Κυπριακό

By Κωστής Αχνιώτης

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Φεβράρης 2017: Ριζοσπαστικές Αφηγήσεις για το Κυπριακό που το 1970 τζιαι μετά: Η Άνοδος της Κυπριακής Συνείδησης τζιαι του Δικοινοτικού Κινήματος

Στα πλαίσια του Αυτόνομου Σχολείου του Φεβρουαρίου, η Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων φιλοξενεί συζήτηση με θέμα Ριζοσπαστικές Αφηγήσεις για το Κυπριακό που το 1970 τζιαι μετά: Η Άνοδος της Κυπριακής Συνείδησης τζιαι του Δικοινοτικού Κινήματος με τον εκπαιδευτικό - δημοσιογράφο Κωστή Αχνιώτη τζιαι τον κοινωνιολόγο Αντρέα Παναγιώτου.


Biz-Εμείς coverage of the February 2017 School

By Dayanışma

CyBC's Biz-Εμείς coverage of Autonomous School 2nd February 2017: Perspectives on Solution in the Turkish Cypriot Community (Dayanışma)

The next Autonomous School organized by Syspirosi atakton will host Dayanışma on a presentation concerning the perspectives of various political groups and organizations in the north cyprus, in regards to the negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus issue. An open discussion will follow laying the basis of a grass root approach amongst people living in the north and south side of the border. Dayanisma is a Turkish Cypriot activists group. You can find more here:


Perspectives on Solution in the Turkish Cypriot Community

By Dayanışma

Autonomous School 2nd February 2017: Perspectives on Solution in the Turkish Cypriot Community (Dayanışma)

The next Autonomous School organized by Syspirosi atakton will host Dayanışma on a presentation concerning the perspectives of various political groups and organizations in the north cyprus, in regards to the negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus issue. An open discussion will follow laying the basis of a grass root approach amongst people living in the north and south side of the border. Dayanisma is a Turkish Cypriot activists group. You can find more here:

Video (Presentation Only):

Audio Recording (Presentation and Discussion):

Η Λύση του Κυπριακού ως Διαρκής Διαδικασία

By Αντιεξουσιαστική Κίνηση

H Λύση του Κυπριακού ως Διαρκής Διαδικασία

Παρασκευή 27 Ιανουαρίου 2017, στις 19:30 στον ελεύθερο κοινωνικό χώρο Nosotros (Θεμιστοκλέους 66, Εξάρχεια).


2004. 2010. 2017. Το κυπριακό επανέρχεται στην διπλωματική πραγματικότητα και την επιχειρηματική σκακιέρα για να ακονίσει τους αλληλοσυγκρουόμενους εθνικισμούς Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας ταυτόχρονα με την ατσαλένια αποικιοκρατική κυριαρχία.

Με ή χωρίς σχέδιο, η Κύπρος, από τη δεκαετία του ’50 όταν ο ελληνικός εθνικισμός εγκαταστάθηκε για τα καλά στο νησί, με την απαραίτητη συνδρομή της Εκκλησίας, μετατρέπεται σε ιδανικό πεδίο ώστε να ξεδιπλωθούν τα σχέδια του εκάστοτε εθνικιστή: λήσταρχου, τεχνοκράτη, δεξιού και αριστερού πατριώτη. Είτε τον λένε Κοτζιά είτε Ερντογάν. Είτε σκορπά το πατροπαράδοτο δηλητήριο του εθνικισμού της ‘μητέρας-πατρίδας’ είτε το μεταλλαγμένο προϊόν του καπιταληστρικού μέλλοντος. Γρίβας, Γιωρκάτζης, Ντενκτάς, είναι πρόσωπα που συμπυκνώνουν με αιματοβαμμένο τρόπο την ιστορία του κυπριακού ως θέμα διαμοιρασμού της εξουσίας μεταξύ των πολιτικών ελίτ, συγκαλύπτοντας την καταστροφή της κοινής κυπριακής κουλτούρας και των μικρών κοινοτήτων μέσω της συγκρότησης εθνοκρατους, ενός θεσμού που προωθεί την ομογενοποίηση, την ομοιομορφία, την υπακοή, τον μιλιταρισμό. Σε αυτόν τον χορό των εθνικιστών -τεράτων- το διεθνές κεφάλαιο δεν θα έμενε απέξω υποσχόμενο την ‘κόλαση’ του καπιταλιστικού ονείρου.

Οι Κύπριοι/-ες και από τις δυο πλευρές γνωρίζουν όμως καλά ότι υπάρχει λύση, λύση που μόνον η αυτόνομη ακηδεμόνευτη κοινωνική κίνηση μπορεί να επιβάλλει -προωθώντας την αποστρατιωτικοποίηση, ρίχνοντας τα συρματοπλέγματα που διαχωρίζουν το νησί, τα τείχη μεταξύ των ανθρώπων και τα εμπόδια που θέτει η ύπαρξη του Κυπριακού στην κοινωνική πρόοδο και στη ριζοσπαστική δράση. Αναγνωρίζουν τις προοπτικές που θα δημιουργήσει η επίλυσή του και την δυναμική που θα ανοίξει για την υπέρβαση της ηγεμονίας των εθνικιστικών ιδεολογιών και την αναίρεση της γεωγραφικής διαίρεσης του νησιού.

Οι διαδηλώσεις των Τουρκοκυπρίων το 2011, το κίνημα του Occupy μεταξύ 2011-12 και πολλές κοινές αντιμιλιταριστικές, εκπαιδευτικές και περιβαλλοντικές δράσεις κράτησαν τις γέφυρες της επανένωσης ανοικτές.

Σήμερα η πολιτική επίλυση του κυπριακού προβλήματος στη βάση της Διζωνικής Δικοινοτικής Ομοσπονδίας (ΔΔΟ) είναι κάτι περισσότερο από απαραίτητη, μέσα από μία νέα αντίληψη του «κοινού», γεωγραφικού, οικολογικού, ιστορικού, κοινωνικού και πολιτιστικού χώρου, ως χώρου ελευθερίας, όπως επισημαίνει η ‘Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων’.

Με συντρόφους από τη Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων θα συζητήσουμε τη λύση του κυπριακού ως διαρκούς διαδικασίας και τους αγώνες του κινήματος ενάντια στον εθνικισμό, την Παρασκευή 27 Ιανουαρίου 2017, στις 19:30 στον ελεύθερο κοινωνικό χώρο Nosotros (Θεμιστοκλέους 66, Εξάρχεια).

Μια πρώτη παρουσίαση του Αρχείου - Τα slides

Μια πρώτη παρουσίαση του Αρχείου - Τα slides

Στις 3 Γενάρη διοργανώσαμε μια πρώτη παρουσίαση του Αρχείου στον Κοινωνικό Χώρο Kaymakκιν. Στο infobox κατεβάσματος δίπλα μπορείτε να βρείτε τα slides από την παρουσίαση.

Για να επικοινωνήσετε με το Αρχείο, στείλτε ένα email στην διεύθυνση Our new domain name Our new domain name

We have now moved the Archive to its own domain name, We thank for their offer of a temporary subdomain for the past few months.

Please update your bookmarks to point to our new domain,

Cyprus Movements Archive: A First Presentation

Cyprus Movements Archive: A First Presentation

The Movement's Archive is an attempt to make the history of the Cypriot radical movement throughout the island available, as it is recorded through its publications, with an emphasis on past decades; but without ignoring recent publications. Read more about our goals here.

On the 3rd of January we will present, at social space Kaymakκιν at 18:30, the work that has been done so far, how the archive works, and the ways you can help.

Whispered translation in English will be available.

Κυπριακό Κινηματικό Αρχείο: Μια Πρώτη Παρουσίαση

Το Κινηματικό Αρχείο είναι μια απόπειρα να γίνει προσβάσιμη η ιστορία του κυπριακού ριζοσπαστικού κινήματος σε ολόκληρο το νησί, όπως καταγράφεται μέσα από τις εκδόσεις του, με έμφαση στις προηγούμενες δεκαετίες χωρίς να αγνοούνται οι σύγχρονες δημοσιεύσεις. Διαβάστε περισσότερα για τους στόχους μας εδώ.

Στις 3 Γενάρη θα παρουσιάσουμε, στον κοινωνικό χώρο Kaymakκιν η ώρα 18:30, την δουλειά που έγινε μέχρι τώρα, τον τρόπο λειτουργίας του Αρχείου και τους τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε την προσπάθεια.

ΕΟΚΑ – ΤΜΤ: Πέρα από τους Ήρωες και τους Τρομοκράτες

By Χρίστος

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Δεκέβρη 2016: ΕΟΚΑ – ΤΜΤ: Πέρα από τους Ήρωες και τους Τρομοκράτες

Η Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων φιλοξενεί στο Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Δεκεμβρίου την Παρουσίαση: ΕΟΚΑ – ΤΜΤ: Πέρα από τους Ήρωες και τους Τρομοκράτες.

«Η οργάνωση ΤΜΤ είναι ο κακός δαίμονας για όλους τους κατοίκους της Κύπρου- Έλληνες και Τούρκους.» (Σπύρος Αθανασιάδης, Φάκελος ΤΜΤ) «Η τρομοκρατική οργάνωση της Ε.Ο.Κ.Α. σκοτώνει τους Έλληνες που δεν θέλουν την ένωση με την Ελλάδα, όπως και Βρετανούς και Τούρκους. Έτσι ξεκινούν οι δικοινοτικές συγκρούσεις στην Κύπρο.» (Serter, Vehbi Zeki, Ιστορία της Κύπρου, βιβλίο ιστορίας που διδασκόταν στα σχολεία της Τ/Κ κοινότητας ως το 2005.)

Δυο αναδυόμενοι εθνικισμοί, δυο μητέρες πατρίδες, δυο μεγάλες ιδέες, ένα νησί. Δυο οργανώσεις, δυο αφηγήσεις περί ηρώων, αυτοθυσίας, απελευθέρωσης – ή αλλιώς, περί τρομοκρατίας, δολοφονιών, καταπίεσης.

Μια παρουσίαση που εξετάζει τις οργανώσεις ΕΟΚΑ και ΤΜΤ στα χρόνια 1955-59 πέρα από τον κυρίαρχο εθνικιστικό λόγο, πέρα από τις κατεστημένες ιστορικές αφηγήσεις, πέρα από τους «Ήρωες» και τους «Τρομοκράτες».



The first founding meeting of the “Movement for an Independent and Federal Cyprus” took place in Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia on 23 and 24 September 1989 with the participation of 25 T/Cs and 36 G/Cs. The participants discussed the ways of rapprochement and more contacts between the two communities in Cyprus. The joint press release of the meeting was published both in the T/C and G/C press and the meeting was flash news at the CyBC-TV.

            The Second Meeting of the Movement took place on 20-21 January 1990, where the participants approved the following basic views and principles, which were later published, in Greek, Turkish and English languages as a leaflet.


Views and Basic Principles

1.We are concerned about our future

Every Cypriot citizen in our times is deeply concerned about the future of his country.

We have all lived through the tragic moments of our history – the armed and bloody conflicts, the forced displacement of people, the immeasurable human suffering, the partition of our country.

For years now we all have experienced the consequences of this violent separation – the uprooting, the uncertainty, the lack of contact and communication between Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot citizens.

The separate existence of the two communities and the separate organization of daily life leads them to consider the absence of each other as the norm. The new generation is raised with an image which presents the other community as the enemy – magnifying the crimes of the other side while minimizing the crimes of its own.

2. We acknowledge our share of common responsibilities

We believe that every Cypriot citizen fully comprehends that the root of our problem and suffering are quite complex. Undoubtedly, foreign interests and intervention share a substantial part of the blame.

We believe, however, that every sincere Cypriot also acknowledges a collective blame and responsibility. For it is the internal contradictions and weaknesses of our society that have made outside intervention possible.

The lack of common objectives, the antagonism between Turkish and Greek Cypriots – instead of a common, liberation struggle against colonial rule, undermined the prospect of a free and democratic common future.

The outcome of all this was a Constitution that was imposed on us and a “crippled” independence, where divisions, antagonism and suspicion among Greek and Turkish Cypriots were institutionalised. The final blow came from the persistence of separatist ideologies (Enosis and Partition) even after the establishment of the fragile Independence.

3. We must condemn both the violence and the separatist ideologies of the past.

All Cypriot citizens would agree that foreign meddling in our affairs should be put to an end and that we ourselves should be those to decide our own fate, our own future.

But this alone is not sufficient. In order to be able to proceed together towards a common future, with shared goals, we must begin by acknowledging and condemning whatever separated us in the past.

It is high time that each community acknowledges and irrevocably condemns the violence it used against the other in the past. For the ordinary citizen, the victim of violence whichever direction it came from, this violence was equally painful and caused the same grief.

It is high time each community recognized the consequences of its own separatist ideology and condemned it thereof. What is called for today is not an ideology that separates people, but one that can unite them together, that could form the basis of a common struggle.

This is the only way through which we can “cleanse” ourselves from our bloody and violent past – so that henceforth we may sincerely join forces together bringing about reconciliation and shaping a shared and peaceful future.

4. Federation – our common future

The continuation of separation and antagonism does not promote our own common interests, but only serves the enemies of the independence of Cyprus.

            The struggle for a common future, in a united country, is not a matter of sentimentalism or utopia – but a basic, imperative, historical and political need, a sheer matter of survival.

            In a common country the survival of Greek and Turkish Cypriots crucially depends on the survival of the Turkish Cypriots, and vice-versa.

            All Cypriot citizens have a right to live in a federated and united Cyprus, under conditions of freedom, democracy and security.

A federal solution is, under the present circumstances, the only guarantee for the independence of Cyprus. It should not be looked upon simply as a solution of necessity; it is at the same time our only hope for a just and peaceful common future.

            A federal solution has the potential of transcending our past history of violent conflict, which built the walls of separation between Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

The pursuit of a federal solution constitutes a common goal, a path towards a common future. A future, which will secure some measure of autonomy for each community, whilst also ensuring a unified character for the Cyprus Republic, preventing permanent separation and estrangement.

The future federation, for which we must strive, should be based on the principles of justice and viability. It should establish the right of every Cypriot to live in a democratic system, irrespective of race, ethnic identity, religion, sex or colour, under conditions of security and equal opportunities for development.

Federation is not a magic formula which will be introduced by outside forces, and which will automatically solve all of our problems. No one system or constitution can by itself secure our future. The most important is the good will of the people. Federation should be regarded as the expression of our collective determination for a joint struggle/effort by all Cypriots.

5. The mobilization of citizens is an imperative need

The dangers from the continuing impasse of the Cyprus problem are only too obvious. The reappearance of mistrust and chauvinism, as well as thoughtless pseudo-patriotism on either side, are the consequences of the present stalemate.

            Real and constructive patriotism nowadays means resistance to mistrust, fanaticism and chauvinism.

            Every Cypriot should stand against the reactionary forces in both communities which are attempting to undermine the effort for a common future – expressed, in our days, in the pursuit of a federal solution. It is only with the active participation of the people of Cyprus that independence, democracy and a common peaceful future can be achieved.

            The mobilization of ordinary citizens and the dialogue between Greek and Turkish Cypriots should become a conscious political choice and action, a matter to be undertaken independently – of and beyond any formal and official procedures.

            It is nowadays imperative to cross over from passive awaiting to active political participation in the struggle of shaping our common future.

  • November 29th 2016 at 08:33

Η πολιτικοποίηση του ποδοσφαίρου στην Κύπρο - η περίπτωση της Θύρας 9

By Θύρα 9

Η πολιτικοποίηση του ποδοσφαίρου στην Κύπρο: η περίπτωση της Θύρας 9

Μέλη της γραμματείας της ΘΥΡΑ 9 θα κάνουν παρουσίαση για τον τρόπο ίδρυσης της ομάδας μας και την ιδεολογική δράση της οργανωμένης μας κερκίδας. Στην συνέχεια θα υπάρξει ανοικτή συζήτηση.


Η ηθικοποίηση του ρόλου των διδασκάλων και των διδασκάλισσων στην αγγλοκρατία

By Κώστας Κωνσταντίνου

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Οκτώβρη 2016

Η ηθικοποίηση του ρόλου των διδασκάλων και των διδασκάλισσων ως μέσο προώθησης της εθνικιστικής ιδεολογίας την περίοδο της αγγλοκρατίας

ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 14/10/2016, ώρα 19:30 στον Κοινωνικό Χώρο Kaymakκιν στο Καϊμακλί: Ο διδακτορικός ερευνητής Κώστας Κωνσταντίνου παρουσιάζει το άρθρο του με τίτλο “Ο ηθικοκοινωνικός ρόλος του διδασκαλικού υποκειμένου ως τεχνολογία εκπολιτισμού και κοινωνικού ελέγχου στην Κύπρο, 1878-1937” που δημοσιεύεται στο 9ο τεύχος της Εντροπίας.

To άρθρο παρουσιάζει τις συγκυρίες κάτω από τις οποίες διατυπώθηκε και θεσμοθετήθηκε ο ηθικός ρόλος των Ελληνοκυπρίων διδασκάλων και των διδασκαλισσών, για την περίοδο 1878-1937. Ειδικότερα, συζητά πώς ο ρόλος αυτός χρησιμοποιήθηκε στον λόγο των διαφόρων πολιτικών και κοινωνικών ομάδων, στην προσπάθειά τους να πειθαρχήσουν και να εκπολιτίσουν τη λαϊκή τάξη επιδιώκοντας την ηγεμονική τους επικράτηση. Ιδιαίτερα παρατηρείται η σύνδεση του εθνικού με τον ηθικοκοινωνικό ρόλο του διδασκαλικού υποκειμένου.



Ιδεολογία, Κράτος και Οικονομία στην Τουρκία μετά το πραξικόπημα

By Νίκος Μούδουρος

Αυτόνομο Σχολείο Σεπτέβρη 2016

Ιδεολογία, Κράτος και Οικονομία στην Τουρκία μετά το πραξικόπημα

Παρουσίαση – Συζήτηση με τον τουρκολόγο Νίκο Μούδουρο στον Κοινωνικό Χώρο Kaymakκιν (Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακαρίου Γ’ 127, Καϊμακλί)

«Ο δεύτερος απελευθερωτικός πόλεμος» Ιδεολογία, Κράτος και Οικονομία στην Τουρκία μετά το πραξικόπημα της 15ης Ιουλίου 2016

Η αποτυχημένη απόπειρα πραξικοπήματος στην Τουρκία την 15η Ιουλίου 2016 καταγράφεται ως ένα από τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα των τελευταίων δεκαετιών στη χώρα. Είναι εξέλιξη ποικίλων διαστάσεων και συνεπειών. Ως τέτοια απαιτεί προηγουμένως την όσο το δυνατό καλύτερη κατανόηση των πρωταγωνιστών της κρίσης, του ιδεολογικού τους υπόβαθρου και των θέσεων τους. Η παρουσίαση στοχεύει σε μια σφαιρική ενδοσκόπηση της απόπειρας πραξικοπήματος, αλλά την ίδια στιγμή επιδιώκει να αναδείξει τις μετατοπίσεις που σημειώνονται μετά το πραξικόπημα στο ιδεολογικό περιβάλλον της χώρας. Ο στόχος «επανίδρυσης» του κράτους και ο οικονομικός μετασχηματισμός ως συστατικά μέρη της πλατφόρμας του ισλαμικού κινήματος της Τουρκίας, είναι επίσης ανάμεσα στα κύρια σημεία της παρουσίασης.

Η παρουσίαση και συζήτηση θα γίνει στα Ελληνικά με δυνατότητα ψιθυριστής μετάφρασης στα Αγγλικά.

